old words

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july 22nd, 2016

the words that i once was proud of are now sinking into pity. because when i say i "write poetry", that does not mean just measly small sentences conformed by words.

no, poetry is so much more than words. and i was lying, when i said i write poetry. because when i was fourteen, i thought it could be anything your vain heart desired. but dear, i realize now that poetry is so much more... beautiful.

poetry is in itself a mystery, a collection of thoughts and feelings, formed by metaphors and similes. poetry is big words and incredible meanings. it's the cold hard truth, but explained wonderfully. it's a way to make your pain radiate beauty but still be felt. it's a way of slapping you in the face to make you realize- in this world we have pain. and we will be broken. but these cracked pieces of our hearts can be glued together with a little more poetry. and a little more hope. and a little more understanding-

that to be in pain, is okay. and pain can be beautiful.

i am sorry for ranting on like i do, but i just want you to know that my old "poetry" is despicably bad. and me as a writer needs to be understanding of my old works, and welcome them with open arms. but it's hard. because even if they aren't true, or conformed with gorgeous analogies.. they're still feelings. written down with words. and that, in itself, is beautiful.

please say it is.

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