she is, dear

16 0 0

november 27th, 2016

darkness is within her. she is depressed, dear.

no sugarcoated cakes or sprinkles on top, no cherries or ways to stop.

she is depressed, dear.

it had been so long since this old friend was once upon her, clinging onto her every heart beat

thump. thump. she's still alive >

"not for long," it whispers. no more tentative contract, for

she is depressed, dear.

her ears are being bled from the inside in, drawing marks on her skin, forming deep darkness within

her own mind, her body is chained and confined.

"depression is too clingy," she says, as she shakes her head.

"you might as well be dead,"
it replies.

but a solid "NO !" is hidden in her eyes.

for how long, though?

(she will be okay. she just needs it to be day. again.)

(the storm, will pass.)

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