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october 12th, 2016

there are times when i think her and i would be perfect. and i hate myself for that. because even so, by some miracle of time, deep in everyone's hearts there lies a kind of understanding >> that no, we wouldn't.

and i hate that.

i hate a lot of myself recently. mainly because i believe it's my fault. mainly because i believe there's no way. in getting dreams back. mainly because i know she's happy. without me.

and that's scary. not really. it's more. heartbreaking. i hate

that it's taking so long

for me to finally give up and let this happen and be okay and be happy that she's happy but

i can't.

and i don't know why, because her happiness should be enough for me, shouldn't it? but there's always this pain >> this "no, it isn't okay," that's hidden in my heart.

i hope everyone's happy watching me fall apart.

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