more about the one who tainted my soul and broke my bones

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september 16th, 2016

it wasn't her fault. she wanted a friend to confide in, and lose herself with. she craved someone to listen to her night and day. she desired a person to tell her when she's being silly or too serious. she needed a friend to make her smile constantly.

and i guess that's what she got.

but you see, she trusted too much. she expected no mistakes, i guess because her happiness was at stake. and he was just too perfect. to her, he did no wrong. she always said she's sorry, and never tried to cause harm. tried.

but she did. and nobody should say it's her fault. but in the end, i guess it was her ideas of perfection, and a very high pedestal that broke their friendship. the more you hold them up, the farther they fall.

so that's what happened.

she wanted a friend to keep her secrets always. she craved someone to take in her nonsense and turn it into some kind of logic. she desired a person who wouldn't degrade her. she needed a friend to make her twisted heart calm.

and i guess that's what she didn't get.

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