a flower waiting

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august 15th, 2016

dear ingrid,

you care too much. you're stupid. you're not worthy of love. of friendship. you destroy everything, and yet you beg people to come back to you? why waste your breath? they never will, and you know it.

you continue to write poetry for people who don't care. why waste your breath? you don't matter. you never did. you're a liar, a fake, and the biggest mistake i have ever seen.

you get too angry. words come spewing out of your mouth and they're so disgusting. i hate you. i hate who you've always been. someone that just wants to be right, someone who wants to feel like you matter. like standing up for yourself suddenly means you have to spill swears from your wretched mouth and stab others with knives of hatred.

and the only person you really should hate.. is yourself. because you never know when to stop caring.

you should have stopped long ago, my friend. if i should even call you that. you're worthless to me. always have been. stop wasting your damn time on others. stop caring. stop pretending you're some loving good-natured goddess when you're nothing but a piece of shit.

and please, for the life of me, grow the hell up. stop wasting your breath! haven't you learned your lesson already?

much hate,

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