part 1

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>> D E D I C A T I O N

to the depressed and anxious.
to the unwanted feelings.
to the dread and the screams.
to the broken homes.
to the unworthy schools.
to the people full of self-hatred.

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>> A B S T R A C T

this is a collection of poetic vents. they are true feelings of my heart, even though they're often contradictory to my other poems.

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>> M E S S A G E

i'm always here for you. if you ever need to talk, let me know. i love you.

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>> E P I G R A P H

"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed."
- Ernest Hemingway

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>> C A U T I O N !!!

very strong feelings, emotions, and situations come through in these entries.

i love you. please take care of yourself. the following poems may contain
triggering themes such as depression, self harm, and suicide.


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