Chapter 1

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Hiskoa p.o.v
Twins? Never seen one before in my life by looking at them they seem alright but the guys blind and the girls mute.
Licking my lips the guy stopped looking at me.
But the girl didn't.
After a while the guy looked away holding a chess piece and said; "check mate"
I wonder who would win Cards or Chess.
None of these fruits are riped yet.
Entry#1 and 2 are intreasting but let's put that aside.

Gon p.o.v
"I'm Gon freeces and you are?"
"Over there's Chess and i'm Dice" the guy replied.
"Wow your so cool even though you can't see"
The guy gave a gentle smile.
"Well it isn't something you can see everyday" he stated.
"So how old are you guys?"
"Were 12" dice answered.
"You both look alot older though".
"We get that alot" Dice replied.
"Kurapika have you ever seen twins before?"
"I don't think I have" Kurapika answered.
Looking at Leorio he only shook his head.
"Is there something you need?" Dice asked.
I gave a nod "lets be friends"
Chess gave a nod.

Dice p.o.v
"Let's be friends" the little kid who wore green said.
Even though I couldn't see him but I could sense him.
Chess gave a nod.
What give me shivers were that clown guy he looked wierd espiecally when he licked his lips.
I wonder if Gon knows that he's powerful.
Gon looks like the inocent type so I don't feel like telling.
After chatting for a while the instructer came
Chess was like wierd looking guy even though she wasn't talking.

Chess p.o.v
I noticed that three were gone Dice seem to also have noticed.
After a while a huge explosion could be heard and coming through the wall were the three.
I felt a shiver run through my spine looking at the person it was the clown think his name went by Hisoka.
The only word I could descibe him was pheodophile.
Dice and his eyes met I don't know but I think sparks flew around them.
Sooner or later they had to stop becausr they kept staring at each other.
But my prediction was wrong even though we got to the top and the false instructer was talking they kept looking at each other like their eyes were battling.
Dice then looked away with many bullet drops.
"I i'll let it pass" he stated.
Dice was either scared of the clown or getting freaked out by him.
Following the instructer to the muddy place wierd things popped up and the fog was also getting thicker I could also sense bloodlust in the air.

Dice p.o.v
It's not that I was scared more like I don't wanna be near him cause he was giving me the creeps.
I could sense the clowns bloodlust he wasn't even hiding it.
In the end all ends fine they came back all in pieces.
Well except that Leorio came back with a bruise.
Catching the meat was easy but the sushi.
I know alot of food recipe but never once had I heard of Sushi.

Kurapika p.o.v
In the end I failed my test looking at the twins they were both thinking.
"Still thinking?" They both nodded to my question.
"Never heard about any of these" Dice stated.
Chess went and looked at everyones plate then came back.
"Oh that sushi, Chess would you mind getting me green mossy like thing and catch a shrimp on the way" after Dice said those words Chess left.
Winder what the green thing is and does he know how to make sushi?
Chess came back so fast.
Dice holded the knives and started moving them so fast that I couldn't even watch them.
I was curious of what he had made.
"FAIL!" Dice then fell to the floor.
He must've been really shocked.
Looking at the sushi it looked so tasty.
"The sushi was tasty but after the last bite it tasted horrible" after those words were said Dice looked as if he turned to goo.
Looking at Chess she looked away with many sweats.
"Oni-Chan" tears were falling off Dice's face as he looked at Chess I think he looked..................... younger.

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