Chapter 8

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Dice p.o.v
"I don't wanna go besides where are we anyway?"
"Zodyck Mansion" Gon answered.
Time past so fast that I didn't realize where we even are anymore.
By the sound it seemed like night.
And dog licking.
I guess the wild dogs that were outside had taken a licking to Gon.
Well what can you say about Gon? He loves animals of every kind.
Chess then wrote on my palm with her finger.
Were going inside
It's been such a long time since we came back here.
I think my eye sights getting worser after the fight with Oni-Chan.
I guess we'll be following Gon till we meet his dad since he has more info of that man.
Let's go meet them
Chess wrote with her finger.
"Sorry Gon but me and Chess will be gone for a while.
No one's looking
Taking out the dice I rolled.
4. Fly going up in the air we went over the walls until we got all the way to the mansion.
"If it isn't the Hikari kids"
"That's Uncle right?"
Uncle gave a chuckle and said yes.
Uncle was a nice man but he just doesn't really show it much.
I could feel the air as we went inside the mansion.
"Is there something you need?" He asked.
"I'm no were just doing this for a friend of ours"
I could sense Oni-Chan giving a nod.
"Dice is your sensing going bad?" Uncle asked.
"Yea for some reason it's getting hard to sense stuff"
You really need the cure for it Dice
Chess wrote.
"Is there even a cure to make someone see again?"
"Well there is but only your Aunt has the cure for that" Uncle said.
"But you know you two have really changed, you twins used to care only about yourselves and kill but now I guess your not anymore" he stated.
"That really pains the soul for you to say that"
"Anyway were just going to stay for a few days or maby till tomrrow I guess".

Chess p.o.v
Killua really got wipped alot by the brother.
"The twins who always did terrible things" Killua said.
It pains the heart for him to say that was what I want to say.
The Hikari Estate was bigger than this but since no one uses it anymore the land was already bought each part of the land was brought by different people.

Flash Back
"It wasn't your father that killed your mother it was her" Uncle said
End Of Flash back
Those words were still stuck in my head.
Who was her?
Dice had stayed silent the whole time after leaving the mansion.
Morning came and we all had to depart Dice became teary eyed.
The same went for me since we had to go seperate ways now.
We might get to see each other sometimes though.
I remember this place Dice reached 200 in less then 3 days.
I got to 198 in 3 days but gave up since it became boring.
But hey no one ever said we couldn't restart.
As we sat down Gon went ul the started saying about how young he is and yatta, yatta, yatta. Until Gon pushed the guy and he went towards the wall.
Going to my opponet he had a muscler body and was huge.
This guy gave a snicker.
Slamming his body to the ground the stage broke.
Which silenced the whole crowd.
"Would you like to proceed to level 198?" The person asked.
"she'll go along with the two others that were just before her" Dice replied for me.
"Okay then" she said while her face went red.
Aren't you a charmer?
I wrote on his palm.
He just shruuged "meh" he said.
This guy...............
Does he already have someone in mind or does he not care?

Gon p.o.v
"I'm kinda dissapointed that Dice-Kun won't be fighting we were waiting for Chess-Chan to come back.
"Number 729, Dice Hikari" the person with the microphone said.
"Eh?" Dice-Kun said with a confused face.
Before qe or he even knew ot Dice-Kun was already on stage.
His opponet was average but fast.
I couldn't even see him with my eyes..

Third p.o.v
"Why is a person like you doing here?" The person asked while going very fast that no one could see.
"Eh?" He said before he was smashed to the ground making the floor crack a little.
"Stay Still" Dice said.
The guy couldn't answer since he already passed out with many bruises.
"Oh My it seems he came" Hisoka said while watching and licking his lips.
Dice felt a shiver run through his spine.

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