Chapter 18

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Dice p.o.v

"Greed island?, well I guess I've heard about it before". "Eh?, REALLY!" Killua and Gon asked loudly. "Not so loud" I ushered them to lower it down a bit. "Well I kinda heard stories about them before from Mari so you can probably ask her" "then let's go!" Gon suggested. "Oh and if your talking about money I could help with that". Kurapika leaned his hapless back and said; "well that's true after all your older siblings travel around the world making more money than us that you could even lend the whole world lots of money". "What are you jealous?" His cat face started sweating. "Oh and for the phantom troupe I won't be joining". "Eh why not?!" Leorio asked. "If you want to know go ahead and be mad, happy, sad, or relieved cause I'm on both sides I have known the spider more than I have known all of you but since joining you guys I feel a change starting so I'm also siding with you I'm only not joining because something bad might end up stirring inside me if o see something happen to both sides". "I understand" Gon said with a grin. "Well yea why wouldn't I?" Killua said. "I don't understand much but if it's both side then I'll go along" Leorio answered. "How about you then Kurpika?" He was silent and not looking up from where he sat but he answered; "I will trust you and not trust you if that's what your referring to". "Sure if that's with you" giving I grin I started leaving. "If the line snaps no one will be safe. Let's see Queen and Bishop won't be back yet. I started turning my phone off. Pushing my hair back I walked into the limo while rolling my Dice. The Dice is the second seal of the monster the one holds back the monster while the rule book only seals the eyes.

Mari p.o.v

"Ketsueki Sama where would you like to go?". He didn't look up from his schedule but answered; "well since I have time to spare I want to take back my belongings from the people who took and stole it". "Okay then shall we go to the person who has the most of your family's belonging?" He gave a nod. As I started driving I looked at the mirror to see him take off his contacts a dark scarlet pink color reflected against the mirror. "Your eyes are prettier than ever sir". "It's natraul my eyes are like the most reare jewel in the world" he stated. The Only child who has their mothers eyes. "I want to ask but sir who will release the seal?". The monster through the mirror looked at me while he smirked as he answered; "well I'm the one who holds the most so I'll be the one releasing it". "I see, I won't ask any further". "Have you found the whereabouts of aunt?" He asked. "That is still unknown but I'm still searching are you searching for her because of the cure?". "That has nothing for you to be involved in" he answered. "If you say so".

Hisoka p.o.v

"Oh if it isn't the pink fruit almost didn't reconize you there for a minute". Hm? "Oh you look more mature then ever" almost ripe and ready to pick soon. "Want a ride?" He asked as he opened the door for me. "Sure if it's okay with the young master" getting in the limo I noticed it was bigger as I got inside. "Are you heading somewhere?" He asked. "Not much just thought I might chat with you a little, so what have you been doing?". He stopped rolling the dice and looked at me while answering; "I just finish so I'm heading back to relax". "The beast that's is within you what ability does it have?" He gave a shrug. "I only know that the monster has the cabbilty of destroying third of the whole world of that one part is left then it will also destroy it in half leaving it a very small world" he said. 

Dice p.o.v

"Hisoka if you don't keep your promise you'll die before you know it" he gave a chuckle as he likcked his lips. "Oh the n nobody can kill me?" He asked. I flinched at the words. "I noticed that when someone important dies your half transformation shows up, am I one of the person?" He asked. "Your part of the spider aren't you?" He gave a nod and said yeah. "Where are you going I can drop you off" I didn't listen because the schedule caught my attention a little. "Bring him there Mari". "Yes sir" she answered. "You know if you kill Chrollo the same thing will happen to you". "Of course I know that" he answered."HIIIIII?!"  I felt cold fingers on my neck. I quickly slapped his hands away. "You'll have to wall of your going to touch my neck. He laughed quietly. Maybe I shouldn't have called him in. He then got out the limo as we reached the location. As the door closed Mari started driving off.......what is this feeling?. My whole body is trembling. Was I scared?. His icy cold fingers just by the touch of them could make me shaking in my boots?. The window rolled down so I could have some fresh air. A women with blonde hair went past me as she looked at some work sheets. She wore sunglasses had her long wavy hair was short at the top while the bottom was long. Her eyes met mine was all I know. ?!?!?. "Mari get me the info of that women we just passed". "Yes sir" she answered.

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