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Kaw p.o.v
I felt the presence of something I never wanted to remember.
"Kaw.... What is this?" Chess asked as she trembled as her eyes widen in terror.
"I can feel it.... He's crying." she whispered as she collapsed, quickly catching her I could hear her child crying from inside her room, carrying Chess into her bedroom I checked on the child and quietly cradled her.
This is getting far to dangerous now.
I cannot let Dice come near them.........
A barrier was put up in order for no one to come near the house.
"Your going to kill him?" Kami asked as he stood by the doorway.
"No.... Not him."
Gon and Killua came running with sweats.
"Wh what's going on?!" Killua asked.
Bitting the bottom of my lips in silence I said "if you ever come across Dice I want you to run without looking back, even if it's just a tiniest bit of his presence."
Gin was silent but caught on even without asking, I could tell from his eyes.
"Isn't there a way to help him?" Gon asked in concern.
"To soak himself in blood."
Killua's eyes went wide upon those words.
"There's also another way but there's only 1% chance he'll live after going through it."
"What do you mean?" Killua asked.
"You have to kill him right?" Gon asked as he lowered his head.
"You can't do that!" Killua shouted.
Killua flinched at the my tone.
"Dice won't die over simple things I know that, Dice is my problem now and before you worry about him, you need to worry about Gon! Something bad will happen once we battle the Chimera ants."
Killua frowned with a pained expression.
"I know it's hard but I'm leaving Gon to you." giving him a smile he silently nodded.
"Then.... Save Dice okay?" he asked.
"Yea, don't worry." grinning I patted his head and left.
Soon...... Everything will end in terror...... But there still hope.

Chess p.o.v
As soon as everyone had left the house I looked at my child.
"I'm sorry." kissing her forehead I left through the window.
I may never come back.......

Kaw p.o.v
Walking through the opened door I stared the empty bed........
So she was awake.
"Your awake aren't you? Hime."
Hime slowly stood on her too feet and jumped out of the cradle.
"Really now, what a troublesome child." she mumbled under her breath.
"No..... Make that two." she added with a sigh as she pushed her bangs back.
Picking her up in my arms we left the house.
"We should arrive before she does when the battle with the Chimera ants starts."
"You really can calculate things in any seconds huh?" she asked.
"Depending on the situation." I mumbled.
I would prefer of the two of them didn't get involved in this..... I've been sleeping for a whole year in order to rest.

Killua p.o.v
Watching Gon as everyone was silently chatting I frowned as Gon's eyes were hallow.......
Days have already passed and those thoughts of killing Pitou are still not out of his head......
Kaw was left to arrive but she had a child in her arm.
"Isn't this!"
"Ah long time no see couz." the child greeted which made me hold my breath........
"Couz?" no way... The only one who'd called their cousins like this is.... "C could you be.... Zena?"
"That's an old name." she waved with a grin as she jumped out of Kaw's arm.
"I prefer you call me Hime now." she added and then looked at Gon who was still spaced off.

Hime p.o.v
The child of Ging, Gon Freeces.
His eyes are quite deadly.
"Gon." Kaw called out softly, he turned his attention to her then me.
"Aren't you?!" he gasped out.
"I'm not even gonna explain."
Every one has gathered around us.
"I have a small plan after we're close to finishing the job I hope you don't mind."
The old man in the group nodded.
"My duty is to not have my son and daughter.... Er mother now I guess, meet."
Kaw started explaining to the others, after that we left to meet up with Netero and Zeno.
"Yo bro!"
"What a surprise." he stayed as he looked ahead.
Pouting I say on his shoulders.
"Let's go!"
"Your really still a child." he sighed out as he had his aback crouched.
"And I see you be become old as ever."
"Kami is going there too." Kaw mumbled out.
"Ah..... You haven't met your husband have you? He left before you woke up so he'd be here earlier than us but I have no clue of his whereabouts."
Riding the dragon in the air.
I lifted a brow.
"You mean he's still alive."
"Yes but his life is much shorter than the other Chimera ants, yours too." she answered.
..... "It takes many years for humans to be reborn."

Dice p.o.v
Intruding into the Chimera's palace I killed any Chimera ant in my way.....
"I'm gonna kill everything.".....
Laughing as I ripped the head of a Chimera ant it kept moving so I pulled out it's limb little by little.
A few hours had passed and I noticed something falling from the sky from where I was since I could see everything from where I was.
Smiling as I saw her I shouted "MAMA!!"
A child was with her as she frowned when she looked at me.
Did I make her angry?..... No way... Mama loves me.

Okay so I'm gonna end the story here and by end it's not gonna be discontinued so let me explain the story directly I'll edit the story when I feel like it.
Gotta eat and sleep first and don't worry like they said the fatter you are the harder you are to kidnap although the only thing fat is my stomach.... Anyway moving on!
Dice was never blind when he was a child, I'm the day he killed his mother he became blind and this aunt, father sister's power transferred to him since he and Chess were twins.
Chess herself was never mute until that day their mother was killed and her father's power transferred to her.
The older siblings had no affects since barely any of them had come in contact with a mysterious person who you'll find out soon.
When their father was labeled as a runaway and their mother died the family lost their mansion and went different ways and since Dice and Chess were still young Zeno Zodlyck took them under his wings where he had them trained by someone professional who was later killed by the young twins.
As years passed Killua escaped from hope and the two twins were given approval to go ahead and take the exam by Zeno himself.

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