Merry Merry Christmas special

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Kaw p.o.v
"Merry Christmas!" Gon shouted as I was eating a cake..... "Christmas?" Oh I forgot..... "Kaw!" Dice shouted as he hugged me in joy. "Be careful." He pouted and apologized but touched my stomach with a grin.
"How many month has it been again?" Kami asked as he stared at my stomach and held Chess's child, Cheryl in his arm.
"Close to her birth soon." Smiling I lightly touched my stomach.
"Well let's get to the party!" Killua shouted with a cat grin as he handed me my coat.
"Thanks Killua."
Mm? I felt something drip through my leg..... Must be something I ate.

Chess p.o.v
"Show us your wings one more time!" Queen said drunkly in joy as she held a bottle of wine.
I wanna escape!
"Enjoying the party?" Hisoka asked as he held a cup of wine.
Knight and King were already stuffing their face with food in joy.
"Well Cheryl was taken by Kami so it's kinda worrisome."
Not to mention that Kami and Cheryl are actually mom and dad.

Dice p.o.v
"Kaw is it alright to ask something?" Kaw nodded.
"Um...... What are you gonna name her?"
She smiled and patted my head. "Do you wanna give her a name?" She asked, nodding Chess pushed me and said; "I want to name her!"
"Hey she asked me!"
"What are you guys talking about?" A creepy voice asked as a shiver was sent through my spine.
Running away I saw Kaw touching her stomach in concern.

Hisoka p.o.v
Chuckling I walked over to Kaw. "So how's she doing?"
"Fine but......" She sweated as she held her stomach and half her dress was soaking.
....... "Um I think water my just broke." Kaw whispered.

Leorio p.o.v
"Woman in labor coming through!" Everything was brought as Kaw was laid down carefully.
"how do I give birth!" Law shouted as she started crushing Hisoka's hand.
"You'll be okay." Gon said as he started sweating. "Bring the others out of the room!"
"Oh shit!" Kaw cursed under her breath.
I saw someone standing besides Kaw on the other side.
"You'll be alright, just breathe in and out."
"Oh my god! I'm so glad your dead Ace!" She shouted.
...... Was that anyway to talk about your dead lover?
"It's our child though." Ace pouted.... I can even see his spirit.
"Just some more push Kaw I can see the head."
"OH MY GOSH SHUT UP LEONARDO!" She screamed.......
I'll let let go just for today.

Gon p.o.v
Waiting with everyone outside the room I could see the others were nervous....... I wonder who's the baby gonna be.... Fidgeting I heard a baby crying..... Wait..... Two?
Killua opened the door but I guess that was bad because he fainted from what he saw, "sorry Leorio." Dragging Killua back out I sat him on the chair.

Chrollo p.o.v
"Where do you think everyone is?" Machi asked
Nobunaga sighed in boredom.
"Twins!" Someone shouted.....
"Well then congratulation." Ace stood there.... Not only was he Law's lover but also my best friend..... "Seems like everyone is down the hall." The others followed.
"You made it after all." Kaw said with exhausted breaths as she held a child in each arm.
"A cute pair of twins." Hisoka purred out with his hand all squashed.

Feitan p.o.v
"Congrats." Kaw grinned and patted my head. "I'm never giving birth again." She huffed out.
Laughing quietly she then talked to this doctor.
"She really is like a mother." Machi stated from besides me.
"Yea..... Where's the two pinky?"

Dice p.o.v
Jumping up and down as Check had just told me the news.
"The two of them were also holding hands when they came out so Kaw had a difficult time." Check said.
"Yea but she's a strong woman." Grinning I walked over to Chess and the others.
"You Check! How's been being dead?" Queen asked with a joke as Check had steams coming out of his ears.
"Well then, Merry Christmas guys!"

(Sorry if it was short guys but love you guys!)

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