Kamimero and Dice

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Kamimero p.o.v

A human? But this human smells a bit like me now that I think about it...... sniffing the air one more time I jumped back to the hive where the Queen was given food as she rubbed her belly. Two queens who will fight for the spot will be something to see. I'm not one of the royal guard who belongs to this king I belong to a different king I know that very well, Staring far away I saw the moth girl touching her stomach which was still flat..... to think she'd be able to hide it using her old wing skin the problem is will the king be okay with it? My nose scrunched up as blood lust of death filled the air...... ah where do I remember this? A kid? Oh yea..... a kid.... the only kid who's able to destroy the beast with his own life. "Don't you think that person would be of some use." Seems another king's guard was born. "Pitou." Pitou grinned as she sat next to me. "Don't you have a feeling like there's another king going to be born soon?" Pitou asked. "Really? the king might get furious knowing that there'd be another king who might get the top position. Staring at the string of silk that was attached to my pinky it reflected against the sun. 'A deal is a deal.' But I didn't think she would protect her child even when I poked my finger through her stomach without harming her..... so that's what a real mother is like huh? A mother willing to sacrifice her life in order for her child to live.

Chess p.o.v

Please come soon..... whoever I'm waiting for..... to think Kamimero would poke his finger all the way to the king's heart just to make a deal. What does he mean he will serve my king? He has a king already. I'm begging you please come even if your more of a monster than we are, your my only hope.

Dice p.o.v

"Is it okay if we separate? I'll just come find you guys later." I was about to leave when Kite stopped me. "You are no state to go alone." He knelt down to wipe down my tears as I shrunk to child size. I came near only to hear about a girl who got kidnapped and eaten..... "Chess." Crying into Kite's shoulder as I trembled I felt that someone was calling out to me for help, fairy but very clear. 'Please protect my child' child? I realized something as the air smelled like Chess and like a monster...... that other smell...... no two of that smell..... it can't be..... Dad.... mom.... "thanks Kite... I feel much better." Wiping my tears away I followed them. Giving birth is dangerous though, big age is much different to humans so guessing by how long the smell has stayed then, enough to give birth to the king soon.

Killua p.o.v

"Killua Do you remember how we got Mike?" Dad asked as Mike was sleeping soudfully. "We got him from where dangerous beast were brought." Dad looked at Gramps who just nodded. "Mike was once human." H human? "Mike is like Dice but the two of them are different Dice isn't tainted with evil, his parents are stopping him from being tainted, until he is able to control his powers that is beyond his reach right now I want you to watch him..... do not let him get lose control." Dad ordered...... "Dad..... who is Mike?" Dad was quiet so Gramps answered in his place. "Mike is the eldest child in Dice's family." My eyes went wide as Ali stared at Mike..... the eldest child? "It is beyond help to return him back into a human." Gramps added.

I'll never let you get tainted Dice..... you and Gon are special to me even when I was an assassin the two of you held your hands out me, Gon became my friend without a care cause he wanted to be friends and you Dice.... you just want to live a normal life.

Third  p.o.v

"It's likely he's figured out by now." Silva said as Zeno had his back crouched as always and said; "After being with Dice Of course that's child would figure it out after all he has our blood." Mike grinned as he transformed into a human. "But your hiding something aren't you Mike?" Zeno asked as he gave Mike one glance. "I may have been caught by the young master." Mike said with a shrug as his meal was placed in front of him which he just gobbled up without a care.

Dice p.o.v

Where is she? getting separated with the other is already bad enough..... but to think i'd reach their hide out so quickly though. Standing there I looked up only to sense that someone was watching me like a predator to a prey. Breathing in my heart rate went back to normal..... no Chess will be there smiling when I find her, nothing is gonna happen to her. Walking into the enemy's den, all eyes were on me. "A human!" one of them shouted as they lunged at me. "ah........ did I hit a fly?" out of nowhere someone landed next me without any sound....... "you smell like Chess." a silvered haired cat said. "I'm Pitou by the way." she added with a cat like grin. "Chess...... you know Chess?" she smiled and said; "of course, were close even if she's lower than me but she's an exception after all she will also serve the king with her strength." Pitou answered, following Pitou my eyes went wide upon a wicked stench. holding my mouth Pitou stopped....... I felt traumatized upon what I saw.... "Chess?" something came out of her stomach.... this is wrong...... "no." 

Pitou p.o.v

the human's shadow had changed form into a monster as he went pass me. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER MONSTER!" he shouted in rage as he held Momma by the neck. Seems she was right after all, for her human memories to return and ask one simple favor of me. Kamimero appeared with rage in his eyes as he punched the human away from Momma who just coughed..... Momma should not go near the king. 'Whatever happens never ever let Momma near the kings.' Chess pleaded. Momma huh? What's I want to know more is why you won't let me hurt the pink haired human? Is it that you treasure him? Or is it cause he's hiding something? Hm? Fur started appearing on his arms and legs as he slowly started transforming. "I'm gonna kill you." He said as a monster took his place.

" He said as a monster took his place

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