Chapter 9

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Dice p.o.v
"So tired"
Oni-Chan went to get something I didn't listen since I was tired.
I jusy layed there on the bed face flat on the mattress.
Then a knock came on the door.
I don't wanna get up.
"Who is it"
Nobody answered but the person kept knocking.
Well that's not Chess.
Feeling my way around I came to the door touching the door knob I opened it.
Who ever it was was silent.
"Okay then" closing the door I went back to the bed.
A whole shiver went through my body.
I felt something cold hit my neck then my back after my shirt was lifted.
I shivered as the cold hitted me.
"Your a senstive one" the person stated.
Shit I know this voice anywhere.
the clown........I gulped as I could feel him come closer.
"UN!" Really at a time like thi
My eyes started to burn like it was on fire.
He then touched my eyes.
I don't even know what happened next since I passed out.

Hisoka p.o.v
I must be the most beutifull mom ever since he called me mom.
But smiling before passing out I don't get.
Licking my lips I went close to the pink fruits face so inmocent looking that anyone could devour.
The door opened showing the light pink fruit.
Smirking I went up to her pinning her to the door.
She wasn't fazed one bit.
But her eyes widen as she covered her mouth like the pink fruit did except he covered his eyes.
Moving her hand and removing the mask I touched her lips only to have her pass out.
"Another one"
Picking her up I layed her down on the other bed.

Third p.o.v
"Wow it seems that was fast but they haven't released the monster yet" the women said with a snicker.
"Anything you ant to say brother?" She asked
But the man didn't answer still he just stayed there locked in the cage a dim light came in the cage showing horrible scars, cuts, whips, and bruises on his body.
He wore tattered clothes.
"I wonder if that son of your would do the same thing as me since he's blind like I once was but to bad i'm not anymore" she said with her crazy laugh.

Man p.o.v
I'm glad their getting stronger.
I's be glad to be dead right now in my childrens hand.
I do regret having to leave my family.
I would leave this cage but if I did the kids would die in a few seconds.
She killed my wife now she wants to kill my children that I could not accept.
Hurry up and kill me before you release the beast Chess, Dice.......

Twin p.o.v
The burning in my Eyes/Throat......
There was nothing in this room everywhere was blank.

Chess p.o.v
It hurts like hell my throat, my lungs.
Where's Dice?
Where am I?
What happened?
I could hear a faint cry as I staggered around.
Walking to the sound I saw a small child her mouth was covered in blood along with her whole body.
Another child was seen his eyes were bloody red like her his body was covered in blood.
Dice came and collapsed to the ground.
Rushing over to him I caught a glance of something.
A cage?
Dice started standing up and walked to the cage since he couldn't see I helped him.
As we got closer to the cage.
Aan was inside his clothes tattered and heavily injured his face was covered by his long hair which was everywhere.
He looked up but didn't see us.
"Dad?" Dice said in a weak voice.
Dice had his eyes closed since it probably still burned.
"Wouldn't it be fun to see your childrens die" a women asked she looked just like dad.
I felt something dangerous looking at us but then dissapeared along with all the images..............
I woke up with lot's of sweats.
Looking at Dice he looked terrified.
Dice gave a chuckle.
"Glad to hear you talk Oni-Chan" he said.
Hugging him he laughed.
That meant he could see.
..............."I'm scared".............. I heard someone say looking around I saw no one.....

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