Chapter 13

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Dice p.o.v

"Gon, Killua can I see Oni-Chan battle?" They both looked at me. "Haven't you already seen her battle before?" Killua asked. "She doesn't let me". Von then carried me on his back and brought me to see the match. Getting off of Gon's back I looked at the ring "ONI-Ch-" Chess was stepping on the other person roughly while her face was bloody almost like a demon herself and she was also grinning like a maniac.

Gon p.o.v

I sweat bullet drop at the scene this was probably the reason why she wouldn't let Dice watch because as I looked at Dice-Kun he was trembling and crying saying; "I wanna leave" Killua carried Dice back to the room. Hm? Looking around the arena I felt a deadly aura even though it was only for a few seconds. Where have I felt it before?

Check p.o.v

"What are you going to do now?, if you die within the clowns hand you do know what will happen right?" Dice gave a nod as he turned into his twelve years old body. "If Chess is going to avenge me then that it will end but that of course will lead to her death" he said. Sighing I patted his head. "Just don't die out there your Part of the family Dice" I said along with some other voices who chimed in King and Knight. Dice hugged them both as he smiled........................ If only this can last forever then we wouldn't have to be like this......................... Mom, Dad before I die I'll protect them all..............................................

Chess p.o.v

What are we gonna do? When did Dice go all the way to Level 200 now? Last time I remember he restarted his level in heavens areana and went all the way to level 130 but now he was going to battle the clown. "Check what are we going to do?" Check looked at and gave a shrug saying; "just let him be after all it's his choice" sitting on the bed as it creaked I have out a loud sigh. "Yea but what I'm afraid of is losing him what if the clown goes to far as much as killing him". "That won't happen" Check answered as he ruffled my hair gently. I hope your right. Taking a seat I looked at the ring to see Dice and the clown in their own corner. "LADIES AND GENTLEMENS THIS IS AN ALL AWAITED TOURNAMENT HISOKA VS DICE!" The women yelled through the mic. Please Dice please I'm begging you even if you can't read my thoughts I beg you the match begin as both disappeared. FAST! Dice was punched as across the ring on his cheek. DICE!

Hisoka p.o.v

Licking the wound on my wrist after I punched the pink fruit I gave a chuckle. He was fast alright. Using the bungee gum on his leg he fell ask pulled but eventually he grabbed the bungee and pulled it from his feet. Oh I guess he really did practice a lot making many types of shape with bungee. Hm?. "Oh seems your out of energy already from just that?" He disappeared as the Bungee was pulled meaning he was running. I just jumped up.

Dice p.o.v

"Mn?" Opening my eyes I looked up to see the ceiling. "What happened?". "You lost as Hisoka landed multiple and another hit on you after that you passed out" Oni-Chan answered. I see. Squeezing my palm I felt no ounce of strength I just sighed as I unfolded my fist. "Let's get our stuff back" big brothers all gave a smile or grins and stood up answering; "OKAY!". As we stood outside of the tower we all started saying our good byes. "Till we all meet again and thank you both" Gon gave a nod as he left with Killua. My family and them both departed our own ways. 

Knight p.o.v

"Dice, Chess your amazing to able to get all our lands back even the house" I looked at the two as they both started digging in the ground. "But couldn't you please order help first?". "I've been plucking out the weeds for more then 10 hours now" my back was aching very bad from all the bending while moving around. "What will you do if they leave after they saw the this" Chess stated. Chess WHY AREN'T YOU SIDING WITH ME!. "By the way how were you guys able to get all this back?" 

Third p.o.v

Chess started coughing rapidly as she held her neck. "S SOMETHING WENT INSIDE ONI-CHANS MOUTH WE NEED HELP!" Dice yelled. "AHHHHHHH MY EYES BURN I ALSO NEED HELP!" Dice added. They were both brought inside the house in a bedroom which was the cleanest of all.

King p.o.v

Well I guess we're left with the yards because all of the house inside out were already clean after all Dice and Chess do love to do hours works. Guessing by the reacted to Knight's question they probably got their land back by threatening or something beyond what you called a nightmare. "Chess, Dice it's time to eat" they both came downstairs as I said that. As we sat down at the table we ate in silence. Why wouldn't it be after all there isn't an adult. "Seconds please" Dice said as he held out his bowl while chewing on his food mouth close like an animal storing food. Chuckling I gave a laugh. "Here, let me get it for you" serving him the food and putting the plate down the doorbel rang. "Coming" opening the door I could feel myself going pale and falling to the floor.

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