Chapter 17

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Gon p.o.v

"Neh Dice-Koun are you alright?' He gave a smile and nodded. I wanted to ask what happened but I feel like it's better not to. "You want me to tell you don't you?" He asked. "If it's okay with you" I gave a nod. "In My generations the twins who are blind and mute are cursed they say both holds the curse of the beast but actually only one does" he said but then added; "the blind one will always be stuck with the beast while the mute holds the seal". "I see". "When the beast is released the body will transform fully it cannot change back to its original appearance, holds no feelings, and always a nightmare for everybody". He added His appearance slowly started changing now more gentler than dangerous. "If I could go back to the past I would change the curse" he said. "I would also so I could help you!". He gave a smile but said; "if you did we would've never have met though". "AH YOUR RIGHT!" He started laughing. I laughed alongside him.

Chess p.o.v

How long has it been since I saw him laughing for real?. Kuh the pain in my chest kept started growing but I just endured it. Dice didn't seem to noticed. Good. Giving a sigh I gently smiled. "Would you mind if I leave for some times?" Dice gave a nod not noticing what's really happening after all what sibling would ask for nothing then their younger sibling to be happy?. Closing the door silently I looked at my butler; "take me back to the place yesterday" he gave a nod and started carrying me back there since I probably looked ready to collapse. "Chrollo let me stay here with everyone till everything clears" he gave a nod giving a grin I laid down on Machi's lap who ran her fingers through my hair. "I really do wish I could stay a bit longer but my sleep is drifting in".  "Chrollo have someone or you to please release the seal I can't stay here any longer with this body" my body started getting heavier and I was started to drift off to sleep but that's when I heard my name being called.

Dice p.o.v

"CHESS!" Rushing over to her i touched her hands it felt so cold like ice. Her face was also going pale. "Oi Chrollo why didn't you tell me about this!" He didn't look faze that I know but Chess answered in his place; "cause I told him to if you knew who knows what might happen with the beast". "ITS GOING TO BE THE SAME THING!". She look a bit taken back. "Aren't you the one who always says I'll always be by your side, I won't leave you, soothes me, helps me, and take care of me!?"........."or were those all fake?" She flinch at the words. "I want to always call you Oni-Chan I want to always stay by your side, I want to stay by everyone's side is that to much to ask for?" Standing up I started leaving. "If your going to sleep then go ahead" she gave a small laugh and said; "I do hope you'll wait for me till I wake up twin brother of mine". "Yea I'll be waiting"

Chrollo p.o.v

Dice had such a painful expression when he came in that I didn't bother them. Dice then whispered so only I could hear. "----------------------". "Alright". Chess was now drifting off to sleep. "Since your her butler would you mind if I ask you a favor?" Dice asked. The butler gave a nod Dice then said; "you may be an enemy but I want you to look after Chess and do not let her wake up till everything's finished". 'Don't let her wake up one bit'. 

Hisoka p.o.v

Licking my lips I looked at the pink fruit. Now this was becoming more and more intreasting. These two are much greater than I thought. A beast that has to be stop by more then a army of hunters and a person who hold the seals of the beast. "Oh and Hisoka I also want to ask you a favor" he said as he started walking away. Grinning I followed him. "So what is this favor you ask for?".

"I want you to kill the monster that will be released"

"Ah but that's no fun". "It will be fun the beast is me after all isn't it?" He asked. Chuckling I gave a nod; "well that is true but if I defeat you you won't be here for me to mess around with anymore". "You won't be able to kill me" he stated. "Well have to see about that" heading different diersctions I licked my lips at the thoughts of the his true form. Well he did keep his promise he did let me see half the transformation of the beast but I want to see the real one.

Knight p.o.v

"It's quiet". "Yea" King agreed "I wonder if we can all be a family again". King answered; "the outcomes are probably impossible but if it's those two and their friends then it'd be a yes". Grinning I sat on his laps. "This is just like the old days where papa would have mama sit on his laps then the oldest child on her laps then on and on till we reached the youngest one. Now it's getting shorter this really is a sad memory" he gave a nod. "Check has passed away Chess has gone onto her eternal sleep what's next?" 

King p.o.v

Kissing Knights forehead I soothed him gently as he started crying. I wish even if it's one last time that the whole family could be together once again without any probalmes or conflict happening. "Don't worry nothing else is going to happen I'll protect all of you in Checks place". Hugging him I said; "I heard Queen and bishop are coming home soon". He gave a nod through his cries. My shoulder was wet from his tears but I didn't mind since he's one of my siblings.

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