Chapter 21

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(Skipping TeeHee)

Dice p.o.v
My eyes widened as I dropped the dice which landed on the floor with a soft thud. Covering my mouth
No way. "Your lying right?". Rubbed towards Win I pulled him outside. Tell me it's a lie.
"Win please tell me your alive".
Win had on such a painful expression he shook his he'd and said; "I died the same time mother had Dice".

Win p.o.v
"Please stop making that face you know I hate it when my family cries".
"You said you'll always tell me everything but why? Why now?!". He shouted as stressful if tears came down.
"It's a duty as an older sibling to protect the younger one".
"I don't care! I can protect myself!". He yelled. You don't understand please Dice I don't want to see that face anymore if I do I'll have a break down also.
"Not Without You all!". He yelled as the Dice that had dropped came rolling all way to him showing 2, "god or goddess I don't who ever it is I'll protect you all even if it cost my life be it one time or last breath I just want you all to be here with me!". Dice shouted despite crying but I knew his words were true.
Smiling I hugged my little brother. "Then promise me one thing little brother, please keep on living to your fullest". I started vanishing little by little I was ready to turn into a card. These are the only memories I was left with but I regained them all. "Thanks little brother".

Killua p.o.v
Want a pain it looks like a child hung to take care if someone older. "Oi Dice what are younger crying for?". Looking at him as he turned to his child body he looked at me and my heart was instantly shot with an arrow.
I is this even Dice?!
Averting my eyes from his gaze since GE came closer when Gon tried to calm him down he started to cry again which I earn a punch.

Biscuit p.o.v
That damn bastard he didn't even tell me he was dead.
Ridiculous I thought you were partner in almost everything yet you don't tell me.
You damn ex lover.
"Here". Standing there was Dice who held a flower to me.
Just like him. "Thanks Dice". "Don't worry besides I remembered seeing you a long time ago". He said with a grin. Ling time ago huh but that was the first and last time I saw the real you Dice.
"If it's your words he'll listen". Dice stated as he pointed to the flower which I held.
"What do you mean by that?".
"Win also uses magic and he is human he just probably doesn't remember. He breathed in trying to catch Gus breath.

Dice p.o.v
"After all his embarrassed to face his own lover right now". Biscuit's face heated up upon the word lover.
"Well then I'll leave him to you". Walk-in off as Gin and Killua started to train I did the same except somewhere else.
I need to get stronger.
I need to know the real truth if the monster inside me won't answer then I'll get the answers myself, I just need some time.
"My, my is the little Dice lost". A certain chilling voice asked which .are me quickly turn around.
I need to save mom.

Hisoka p.o.v
The little diced fruit gnawed his fangs at me just inches away from my face as I held him in place. "Oh are you that excited to see me?". "I need to save her". The diced fruit said as he cried but still glared. "You want to save her that badly huh? Well I guess I can help but only on one condition though my little diced fruit".
"NOPE!". his brother yelled as he had himself brought in between us with a serious face.
"Then you want to tell him the truth?".

Win p.o.v
Dammit did this clown know? Who told him? It couldn't be Illumi could it? No it probably was but why would he tell this clown? "What kind of Co diction were you going to give to him?". "In exchange I want to see that beast form, fully". he answered.
"You cannot!". Shielding Dice who was in his half beast form the clown chuckled and licked his lips.

Flash Back
Blood splattered everywhere as Aunt laid there not moving but was crawling to dad mom wasn't moving either. It was no use. A mobster my own little brother had turn into could not control himself as he Lunged at us but that's when two person came Uncle and mom's friend who quickly took the situation to ease as Dice passed out as he returned into his human form.

End Of Flash Back
"The real person who killed her was you cute little brother isn't it?". The clown whispered into my eat out so I could hear.
"I'll accept the condition" Dice said as his form was gone. Wait what does this mean he can't do that without passing out. Ah? Looking at my little brother's legs it was shaking. He's doing his best huh?
"I decline".
"I want to get stronger". He stated.
"Is that all you think about?!". he flinched as I quickly shut my mouth.
"You don't understand". He said that expression he had made just like that time.
"Wait Dice".
"I hate you!". Dice yelled.
"Well then I guess I'll take him with me". To clown said as he walked off with Dice.
Dice hates me?

Gon p.o.v
"I feel bad for Win". Biscuit gave a nod and so did Killua as Win stood there turning all white from shock of what Dice had said to him.
Wait just now wasn't Dice kidnapped?

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