Chapter 15

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Chess p.o.v

I'm so tired none of them still get it. "You may all leave now none you passed"all of them left in disappointment except one person. Oh ho!. "I said you didn't pass" the person just stood there not listening to me and by now everyone either left or were listenin. "If you aren't going to listen would you rather be killed?" He didn't answer. Where have I seen this guy before?. Going closer to him I held my rule book. 

"Rule # 2 Those Who Know And Those Who Are Good I Now Make  contract With You" 

I was just about to make the contract when he kissed my head gently.

Check p.o.v

Oh ho this was intreasting yet..........................I probably need a servant myself who will help around. I looked back into my crowd of people. "Let's have a contest of who can finish cleaning up one part of the land" everyone started following me to where the land was. "Each of you will have the same length and width so don't mind it, the head here will give you a start oh and you may also use anything" evreone of them started cleaning as Mari gave the sign to start but only one person looked at the their land. This part of the land was originally mine and it's bigger then the others except for Dice and Chess who owns the whole land and mansion but only one will have the house. "Times almost up" their was only 3 seconds left but that's when I felt an deangerous aura. Gyo? In just 3 seconds? The whole place was sparkling clean. Ah I see he his his Gyo at first then showed it after that he cleaned. "Wow" my eyes started to lighten well o guess this person should be picked. Hm? "Where's Dice?". "He's gone out and won't be back for a while along with Chess" Mari answered. "Oh okay.

(Days have already passed so HAHAHAHAHA! I think)

Chess p.o.v

"CHROLLO!" Running up to him I gave him a big hug but more likely it was Dice since he was more happy then me. "Were staying here for a bit you wouldn't mind would you?" After all Dice followed you all the way here so I asked Mari to let me go after him. Dice your really going to be scolded when you get back. "I wouldn't mind after all I love Mira" Dice said with a childish grin. I face palmed at the answer and of course it's almost like he could read my thoughts. "Dice I don't know who you are anymore" hm? Looking up at one of the seat I spotted the clown. "WHAT'S THE CLOWN DOING HERE?!" He furiously whisper yelled at Chrollo as I took a grip on his collar. 

Dice p.o.v

Ah ha Oni-Chan must really hate the clown after all he is a pedophile and pervert to her point of view. Jumping up each steps I went and sat down near him. I don't like him hime but neither do I hate him. I noticed a missing presence..............I guess one member is already gone..................and I could easily smell and see the person who was the victim and the person who wanted to kill him, Kurapika..................."Neh, Neh Mr.Clown since your smart would you mind me asking about some stuff?".............."after you figure out what Gon and Killua are up to" was what I whispered. He gave a nod and licked his lips knowing what I want to know. This guy was useful. Going down to each of them I gave them a big hug. "Oni-Chan I'm ready to go back and get a scolding from Mira" Oni-Chan closed her phone and looked up at me with a pale face. "U um let's stay here for a bit more besides Chrollo has letted us stay here" Chess answered. Chrollo was already gone since I don't even know if he was busy but.........................something is defiantly wrong. "So Chess" I kept on talking to her.

Mach p.o.v

Weird from all the things I've known about him was that he always calls her Oni-Chan never Chess. Hm..................unless he knows something about the chain guy. "I know nothing" he stated as he putted his hand up and looked at me. This kid is really smart. Hm? Looking at his right hand he held a dice. I see so one of the number is a memory or thinking reader. And he's still reading my thoughts because he kept looking at me.............................. The door opened showing a kid with black hair who had it in a kinda spiky up hairdo while the other one had silver hair which was a little messy.

Mari p.o.v

As quickly and possible as I could just after the two youngest twin left Check was imedietly charged to the hospital his condition was getting worse each time and his heart beat was slowly decreasing slowly. The doctor had said there's a possibility he may survive and not. As a sergeant who ismserving in the family I had to look after them with my life but this isn't what's supposed to be happening. Just what is happening?. 

Fetian p.o.v

"you two should know better then anyone else that you shouldn't go against us" putting a fake act infront of them they all noticed the cue. Hm? Looking behind me a dark aura came from this one guy. Who was this guy? How did he come in here?. Chess gestured something at him. Ah I see a new servant.

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