Chapter 30

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Kaw p.o.v

Stoping the bleeding on my right side I looked at the king himself. Out of all the time...... "scared to have someone dethrone you?" Pain shot through my whole body as all three guards had landed a hit on me...... "bad mistake." Grinning wide my nail grew sharper as my teeth's took form of fangs. "I won't let you go even if my body was rotting." Just a little bit longer. Pain went through my stomach this time. "Seems like there's something in your stomach." The king said as he had his tails through my stomach.

Dice p.o.v

Kaw....... please come back safely.... tightening my grip on the locket she gave me Chess was asleep with the baby in her arms. "Dice there is something I want to tell you." Kamimero said as he had  his head down. "What is it?" He was silent but answered slowly, "Dice will you still try to kill me with my own monster?" My eyes went wide as I understood what he really meant. 'Will you still try to kill me, your father.' "D Dad?" No way.... your kidding right? 

Kaw p.o.v

"I returned didn't I?" Grinning the hole in my stomach started healing along with the small cuts as Dice and Chess was crying as they hugged me, ow! Wincing in pain I could still feel the pain when the king had struck me on my neck. Becoming immortal is not very good....... it's a good thing it didn't hurt her though, touching my stomach I could feel her regenerating her small arm, mama's sorry you had to get hurt. Walking into the living room Gon and Killua were nowhere to be seen...... Sorry Gon.... "um Kaw." Someone called out. "Hm? What is it Chess?" She quietly walked over to me as her wings were out in the open air. "A moth huh? Pretty." Smiling I patted her head. "Chess, you do know the person you gave birth to is human right?" She nodded. "Her growth will be regular like a human once she's ten." She was going to say something but quickly went silent. "Don't worry, nothing bad will happen as long as I'm here." Smiling she trembled and broke down crying. 'I'm sorry Kaw, you have no other choice but to be immortal because of me, I'm sorry.' He apologized with a pained expression as I held his body in my arms. 

Hisoka p.o.v

"How rare to see you here Dice." Dice gave a low growl as he held out his hand. "I'll show you my true form." He said....... "I thought you'd make me wait longer." Chuckling I couldn't see a hint of emotion in his eyes..... something happened. "Wow." Licking my lips as I saw the monster in front of my eyes I smiled, "What a pretty creature, don't you think so yourself Dice?" He turned his head away and said; "there is nothing pretty about it." Should I tell him? No..... she'd kill if I did but I'll tell him the other news. "Say do you know Kaw's pregnant?" His head quickly shot up. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Who did it to her?" He added. "Well isn't that a lot of question?" An Ace fell off from my deck. "Her now dead immortal lover." He didn't know what to say so he stayed silent. "Kaw.... she can show expressions she's never made only to him." Dice clenched his teeth and growled out; "I don't want to hear it." With a menacing aura.... well this isn't something you see everyday, licking my lips I noticed that his personality matched Kaw's before she even met him, I wonder if everyone will change once they meet the person, smiling to myself, maybe me too...... though I can't say much for Kaw who's already. "So what deal did you come to talk to me about?" He flinched and answered; "um well... that is, I want to know why Kaw disappeared." Should I tell him the real reason she disappeared. He held up a book which didn't belong to him.

Kaw p.o.v

Breathing the fresh air in I exhaled it out after holding it. "Alright!" Laying down on the cold hard floor I quickly got up. Not a very comfy spot..... let's see. Laying on the bed I frowned..... so-so. Traveling around the world just so I could a comfy place to sleep is really a fine idea but tiring...... ah now that I think about it no one else except Hisoka knows why I dissapeared well..... they are brother....... with a huge differcnes between them, one is a gentleman while the other one is a pervert. "What do you want Hisoka?" Looking back as he stood there with his usual creepy smile "Long time no see Kaw no should I call you sister in law?" Hisoka asked. Sighing with my arms crossed he asked; "so hows the baby doing?" Squinting my eyes I answered; "she's also got the blood running through her." Hisoka chuckled and said; "well both mother and father are immortal." 

Chess p.o.v

Immortal? Well she was injured but her wound quickly healed so that would be why she wouldn't go to the hospital. If I remember correctly I thought she hated the idea of being immortal....... where's Dice? I thought he had plans to talk to Kaw...... now that I think about it my rule book is missing...... last time I checked one of the rules vanished, I managed to memorize it all since I made them but rule number one never vanished before..... unless! No way it can't be! No one but can can release it! 

Dice p.o.v

Staring at the book I read rule one. "Rule #number one, let the curse of fallen one be lifted out of the seal once again." Sorry Chess. The book turned into ashes as it was blown away. It's like you said Kaw promises aren't meant to be kept.... their meant to be broken..... 'only when needed' but this this is different....... crouching I could feel tears falling..... why out of all people does it have to be you? Mother of destruction and evil? Why? Why did you give birth to a monster Kaw? 

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