Chapter 6

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Chess p.o.v                                                 I had just finished with my when I noticed had fallen, looking around I saw Gon hiding while the clown was with someone. I could also sense another presence just above us. Gon took his chances by snatching the badge with his fishing pole. I was just about to follow when Gon took off but something hitted me so hard that I didn't know what happened next.

Hisoka p.o.v                                               "My, My I can't have you do that now" licking my lips I went back to chasing Gon handing the badge to him as I was about to turn around he stood up, looking at him he was a  strong fruit yet still weak giving him a punch which would heal in a bit he got pushed back and collapsed. "I can't have that now" throwing the card I left "and aren't you going to save them? the pink fruit was just about to run away when I grabbed his arm. "and where are you going?"

Dice p.o.v                                                 Sweats were everywhere this guy could do anything so as quick as I could I decided to take a run for it but he grabbed my arm my whole brain started panicking "and where are you going?" he asked. "a anywhere but here" he released the grip on my arm so I ran off. after a while I leaned on a tree breathing heavily I was out of breath from all the running. looking around he wasn't there closing my eyes I gave a huge sigh "already that tired?" looking up at the voice two creepy eyes were staring at me "G.........................GG.......................GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"




Killua p.o.v                                                 my eardrum was about to break as someone screamed so loudly in the night "who could even scream this loud?" one of the three brothers were following me for my badge the ninja guy was also following me since his target was one of the brothers. 
After walking a little more I felt bored. There wasn't ecen any fun without Gon here.

Chess p.o.v
Augh, what happened?
Rubbing my neck it was sore.
Oh yea I remeber now
Looking around nobody was there and morning had already come, I have slept to long.
Standing up my leg wobbled a little.
Eyes?! My eyes widen as i felt some strong eyes looking everywhere looking around there was no one but I know that eye sight anywhere Dice running off I followed where the trail led me.

Dice p.o.v
I covered my eyes as I woke up "burning"
My eyes were burning hot that I was affraid to open it.
Removing my hands I couldn't sense anyone but I could hear fast foot steps coming ny way putting my hand on the ground the I reconized the beat, Chess.
My eyes started burning more.
Then a creepy voice came which I reconized right away, Clown.
"Are you hurt?" He asked.
"Than you should open your eyes" he said.
I didn't like being look upon on so I opened my eyes.

Hisoka p.o.v
Words were everywhere around the light pink fruit I could hear many words that I went over looking at tge pink fruit he had his eyes closed and I could feel someone watching me.
Telling him to open his eyes he did what I told as he opened his eyes they were different colors instead of the pinkish one, Gold and Red I like it.
Licking my lips I could hear more words coming from the light pink fruit.
The pink fruit then had a dice in his jand and rolled it which landed on the ground.
The book that the light pink fruit had was now in his hands.
"Rule #4 Seal It" after he said that the staring and words dissapeared.
"Is the book that powerful?" I asked with a grin.
The light pink fruit gave a shook.
"You already know what's more powerful clown" the pink fruit stated and left with her.
"Of course the monster you guys have been hiding" I gave a chuckle.
It's been so long since I had this much fun.

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