twenty two

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Seokjin's POV

I opened my door to see who the hell is knocking at this hour.

"Hello" I got shocked when a familiar voice greeted me.

"K-Kim Hyeri?" I asked with a hesitating voice.

"Yeah" she said smiling while nodding her head twice.

"Surprise to see me?" She walked closer to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. She tiptoed and pressed her lips onto mine.

"I missed you so much" she said as she break the kiss.

I can't even say a thing.

"Yah! Why are you so surprised? Didn't you miss me?" She ruffling my hair while I stared at her for a minute.

"When did you go back?" I asked and she chuckled.

"Just today, I can't wait to see you so I went straight to your house. Yah! I said I missed you" she wrapped her arms this time around my waist tight.

I can't believe that my girlfriend came back in Korea without even telling me.

"I missed you too" I hugged her and pulled the hug which was made her pout.

"So, How's everything here?" She asked as she walked inside my house.

"Uhmm, Fine. I guess? Do you want to eat?" I walked inside the kitchen to cook a ramen.

"Sure, since I haven't eat when I got back here in Korea" she jumps on the couch and laid down while playing with her phone.

"Did you already call your brother?" I asked while chopping the vegetables.

"Not yet, I wanna surprise him too" She said giggling and took a selca of her.

After we eat she decided to go home.

I jumped on my couch and hitting my head.

"Aish! Why the hell did she came back here" I said groaning in frustration.

I took my phone to deleted and blocked the numbers of the girl's that I've dated while she's gone.

I dialed Namjoon's number.

"Yeah?" He answered.

"My girlfriend is back" I said emphasizing the word 'back'.

"What? That crazy is back?" I heard him chuckled.

"Yeah... I don't know what to do now" I nervously said.

"You're doomed hahaha" he teased and I hanged up.


Eun Bi's POV

I took a shower and fixed myself before I go to school.

I was walking on my way to the bus station and wait for a bit for the bus to come.

As I hopped in inside the bus, searching for a seat but I guess I need to stand until I get to school.

I was about to plug in my earphones when someone called my name.

"Eun Bi-yah!" I looked at the one who called me and saw Hoseok waving his hand.

I smiled and walked closer to him.

"Sit here" He said and stood up on his seat.

"Thank you" I took a sit and stared at the window.

"Are you okay?" Hoseok asked while holding in the round metal in the bus.

"Yeah, I'm okay" I smiled a bit to assure him that I'm fine... I guess.

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