thirty two

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It was a breezy morning and the students are gathering themselves by section to ride on a bus. Everyone made their way in the bus sitting next with their friends and close ones. They are going to a country side town house.

Eun Bi was the last one to hopped in since she got overslept due to her bad headache last night while texting with Taehyung. The bus isn't moving yet since there's still many students are not yet present. Eun Bi took a seat in the middle and gently roamed around her eyes looking for someone. Jimin and Seokjin are sitting together infront of Eun Bi. Sighing, she keeps on looking at her phone to check the time but Taehyung wasn't even there yet.

Taehyung tried his best to escape on their house but his father won't let him out. Hayoon told to his father that she'll got shouted and humiliated by Taehyung that's why his Father got so angry and punished him. He got hit with a belt mostly on his butt while supporting himself by his arms. His noona wasn't there to save him by getting hit due to her business career. Since her birthday party was postponed she decided to take care her business for awhile.

Biting his lower lip so hard, he threw his stuffs and bag out of the window of his bedroom since his father locked him up. He carefully went outside the window and held on the metal bars of his small balcony. Luckily, there's a big tree infront of his bedroom so it was so easy to escape. After he got off on the tree he slowly walked on their backyard. The maids are suspiciously looking at him but choose to ignore him since they feel so pity towards Taehyung. One of the guards helped him to open the back gate without any noise that his father will heard.

"Is there anyone still missing?" The teacher asked them. Eun Bi called Taehyung a million times but he hasn't even answering any of them. Eun Bi got so worried.

"T-Taehyung is not here yet" She said stuttering while looking at the both windows of the bus.

"He's still not here? Did you already call him?" The teacher started to worry and took her phone to contact Taehyung.

Sighing, Eun Bi felt so uneasy because of Taehyung. She was so worried about him "He's not answering my calls, maybe he's not com--"

"I'm here!" Taehyung shouted before going in the bus. Panting so hard, he still managed to smile when he saw Eun Bi.

Eun Bi's eyes got teary while looking at him. She want to hug him so bad right now. Taehyung came and sat beside her.

"Y-Yah! You made me so worried" She said hitting Taehyung's arm.

"Relax babe, I'm here so don't worry anymore" Taehyung extended his arm and pulled Eun Bi to him. His arm are resting on Eun Bi's shoulder. He leaned closer to her face connecting their foreheads until their noses are brushing and their eyes are staring with each other.

"Eyyyow that was so cheesy" Jimin teased the both of them and earning a hit by Taehyung.

"Gosh dude! Can you mind your own business? I was about to kiss her but you butt in" Taehyung said rolling his eyes to him. Eun Bi was blushing so hard and quickly hid her face with her bag.

After a long hours of traveling they finally reached their destination. Everyone came out of the bus. Taehyung helped Eun Bi with her things. Technically, just like a boyfriend does.

They went into a big town house with many rooms inside, a big dinner room and living room.

"Okay kids! The girls rooms are on the right while the boys rooms are on the left. You can go to your rooms for awhile then we'll just call you if we're going to eat breakfast." The teacher said and dismissed the students.

Everyone made their way on their respective rooms. Each rooms have a maximum of 3 persons only. They've already received their room numbers earlier. Taehyung walked Eun Bi to her room and helped her to arranged her things.

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