and he's about 6'2.

17 1 7

The next few days were a bit difficult, well for me.

Dan said he wanted to get away from the apartment for a while.

So I decided we go food shopping because we were running low on some things. While at the Produce store, Dan seemed to wander, and this of course worried me.

I was scared to do this before the whole situation, but now it felt like a necessity. 

I would grab his hand all the time, reminding him to stay with me. And it wasn't because I was clingy, It was because I'm scared he'll run off again. So, I always need to have him in my sight.

But I had never told him any of that, so he must have thought I was just being super clingy.

We're walking down isles, and he wanders over in another direction

I quickly grab his hand, "Stay close, hold my hand. I don't want to lose you."

He sighs, "Phil. I have to go to the restroom."

I look at him and whimper. "Fine." I let him go, and he walks away.

About 5 minutes pass by, and Dan ins't back from the restroom.

6 minutes.

7 minutes.

I start to freak out. I skid around the store, searching through every isle for Dan.


A woman peeks around an isle and says to me, "Sir, have you lost your child?"

"I um-" She cuts me off, "What does he look like?"

I look around for a moment, "He has brown hair, brown eyes, and he's about 6'2."

She stays silent for a minute. "Is that a kinky thing?" She whispers. I nod no.

I carry on frantically searching for him, when I dash down the isle and bump into a large body, with a familiar scent.


"Dan, what took you so long?!" I say, upset.

"Well I was done in under a minute, so I came over here to look at these flowers, quite pretty aren't they, Philly?" His eyes glitter.

I can't resist. I peck his lips lightly and say "Yes, they're beautiful."

I go back to produce, and we decide we're gonna split the tab, so he grabs what he wants, and I grab what I want, and then we'll meet back outside.

We both meet outside of the store about 9 minutes later, and head home. We don't peak at what the other one has bought.

We get to the apartment, and I'm the first one in, while Dan is the one locking the front door. We go into the kitchen and I feel his arms wrap around my waist and sway me lightly from side to side. "Daaann." I whine.

He kisses the lower part of the back on my neck and I fall into it. I close my eyes and moan slightly. He pulls out a rose that we saw earlier and hands it to me. I blush.

He plays the Beauty And The Beast soundtrack and we dance for about an hour to different Disney songs as well.

I turn to him. "Dan?"

He looks over to me, "Yes, Philly?"

"I think I like-like you." I chuckle. He laughs and says, "I think I like-like you, too."

The Boy With The Blue Eyes; PhanWhere stories live. Discover now