It's Not That Badd

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"Are you sure about this, Phil?" Pj asks in a shaky tone.

"No. Not really. Do it anyway, don't listen to my opinion." I say, spreading my legs to give him room.

He grabs my leg and yanks the paper strip off it.

"OWWW, PJ!" I say, laugh-crying from the pain.

"I told you fast!!" I yell.
"PHIL WAXING IS NOT EASY." He yells back, laughing hysterically.

"Owww Pj stoppp." I whine.
He looks at the camera and starts laughing.
"Great video idea, isn't it though?" He giggles.

"No no no it was such a bad idea." I say, wincing as he pulls off another strip.

"You said I could wax your legs if you didn't tweet Chris by Friday!!" He says.
"Well I didn't think I would forget!!!"
He pulls off a strip, pausing in the middle and the wax pulls on my skin. "PJ NOOOOO"
I yell.
He yanks it off, making it more painful than the previous ones.
I rub my leg and pout. "You're so cruel to me!"
I laugh.
He chuckles and applies the last of the strips.
He pulls it off.

He slaps my leg and leaves a faint red mark due to the wax.
"Baby smooth legsss." He says, patting my leg.

"You're still cruel. Imagine how that slap is gonna appear on my skin in a few days!" I shriek.
"It's not that badd." He scoffs.

"Pj. It's summer. I have to wear shorts. I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow. What am I going to do." I say, standing up and examining the mark.
"I'll come with you. We'll call it the weekend Pj sleepover or something. I'm staying over. So prepare a roommm."
I roll my eyes and laugh.
I go into the gaming room and set up the couch for him and he happily lays.

"Wake me up for the shopping, Philip I swear to god if you leave without me-"
I interrupt him.
"I wiLL!" I say, already going downstairs.

I walk into my own room and lay down on the duvet, trying to fall asleep.

My phone keeps going off, and it's mainly tweets from people.
But Dan hasn't tweeted in a long time.

I learn to be concerned.
(Hah i'm hilarious)

But everything is okay, right?

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