♡ Hunter's Reply Entry #19 ♡

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Dedication: galaxyteacup thank you so much for following me and voting! :) I hope you enjoy this chapter, love x


Reply Entry #19

Dear Hazel,

You know what? Despite everything going on in your life right now - or at least when you wrote this entry; I'm glad you're still able to have fun. And even though you had a moment outside, crying, you let your Uncle Willow Tree comfort you. 

Well, that was until you didn't tell him why you were upset. Which I think you should have because as I've read, he's always there for you.

But I understand that talking to your Uncle about how your boyfriend is pressuring you is probably something you don't want to do. 

You need to tell someone though - not just a diary. Yes, I may be here reading your words, but I'm reading like a month ahead so there's nothing I can do about anything. Which - let me tell you - sucks ass.

Damnit, I just wish you were easier to find. Then I could be there, holding you, reassuring you that you're safe. 

Ugh, life sucks.

Great, now I sound like a teenage girl, haha. Because that's exactly how I want to portray myself in front of the girl I kind of like.

I find it really admiring how you appreciate your friends x


Prince Charming xo

P.S. What do you do about Trent you ask? Break his um private parts off :)

P.P.S. I'm about to eat some food because I'm really hungry, for you information.

Sighing out loud, I close Prince Charming's notebook and hold it to my chest. What do I even do about this anymore? I'm never going to know who he is unless he suddenly confesses it. But I doubt he wants me to know if he hasn't told me already. Otherwise why else would he write to me under a pseudonym? 

"Hazel? You here?" I hear a very familiar voice suddenly call from down the hall. Hunter What's he doing here?

Still bathing in my confusion, I don't have the ability to answer but it doesn't seem to matter when Hunter opens the door quietly.

"Hey." He utters softly, closing the door behind him and locking it. Um okay then, Hunter.

"Hello, hello," I giggle, covering my face - I must look horrible, "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at school?"

"Do I need a reason to visit my incredible girlfriend?" Hunter chuckles, and I feel his weight fall on top of me, causing me to squeal loudly, "Anyway, don't go questioning me about school, Missy! Why didn't you come today? I missed you."

I keep my face covered, trying to shove Hunter off me at the same time, "I couldn't be bothered and I'm sure you were just fine, you're a big boy, Hunty. Plus, you have Liam." I tease.

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