TDOH Watty Award and Life Update <3

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Hey guys, it's been a while! I know I haven't updated in two months now, which quite a few of you have been vocal about :) I'm super duper sorry but life has been HECTIC af! I've been finishing off my last year of high school; trying to get all my assessment completed with a high grade and final exams. Then on top of that, I've been sorting things out for Uni next year and I was also in Christchurch for a week, visiting my best friend.

So yeah, it's been hella crazy. Buuut, I only have one exam left which is next Tuesday and then I begin working. Even though I'm going to be exhausted and busy working, I'll try to update as much as possible since I'll no longer have school. 

Starting tonight. It's currently 7:40pm as I write this and I'll be having dinner soon. As soon as I've eaten, done my chores and made a coffee, I'll be writing :) Now, I can't promise I'll update tonight (I will tomorrow if I don't tonight) but I'll try my best for you all xo

Shit, I miss my strange - but amazing - readers xD 

Speaking of all you amazing people who support me... THANK YOU, thaNK YOu, THANNk yooouuu! Seriously, I can't express just how freaking GRATEFUL I am. If you have no idea what the hell I'm going on about then, well, 'The Diary Of Hazel' kind of won a People's Choice Watty Award! And it's all because of all you bootiful readers :o <3 

There's no way I'd be where I am right now with my writing and winning this award if it wasn't for you guys :') From the bottom willow tree heart, I love and appreciate you all! I don't care if you're a ghost reader, avid voter, or dedicated comment warrior, I am grateful all the same <3


- Chloe xx

P.S. Watch out for the update!! :) We're nearing the end D:

P.P.S. I'm craving Coke (caine... kidding! I meant Coca-Cola, I swear XD)

P.P.P.S. I'll be posting the thank you message on TDOH too since I know not everyone who read it, reads this book :) x

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