♡ Hunter's Reply Entry #26 ♡

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|| Quick Author's Note: I don't usually ask this (I have only asked once before) but could you guys please comment and vote if you don't already? There're so many ghost readers and it would mean a lot if you could as it honestly makes me smile so much when I read your comments! I appreciate your support either way though so if it's a real problem then don't worry about it :) ||

"Hunter said he'll be here in ten minutes," I stated after hanging up the phone.

Trent walks into the lounge, a glass of water in hand, "Did you tell him that you know?" He brings the cup to his mouth and drinks back the entire thing. 

I shake my head as I answer, "No. I just told him that I need to talk to him about something. I'll tell him when he gets here." Shrugging, I hold Hunter's reply diary in my hand and sigh, "I guess I better go put this away. You can watch TV or something if you want."

At my suggestion, Trent grins and makes his way over to the couch before pausing, "Does Hunter know I'm here? Or that I'm... Gay?" I frown at his disgusted expression. Gosh, I wish his father never did any of those horrible things to him, because now Trent thinks it wrong to be himself. It's seriously devastating.

Walking over, I ignore the look of confusion on Trent's face and hug him. "I'm so sorry."

Trent sighs, letting go of me, "It's okay. He was probably going to find out eventually considering Veronica is his sister and all."

"No, don't worry, I didn't tell him; that's your secret to tell, not mine. I'm sorry that you don't accept yourself for who you are. For being gay. I know it's your Dad's fault for why you're like this, I just wish there was something I could do. But do know that not many people will actually care that you prefer the same sex. I used to have a lesbian best friend and mostly everyone has accepted her." He doesn't answer. Instead, he just looks down, so I hug him once more before leaving to put Hunter's reply diary away.

Once I step foot inside my room, I immediately jump onto my bed and begin opening the white notebook. I can't help my curiosity, okay? Especially now that I know it's Hunter. I've had this nagging instinctive feeling in my gut that it was Hunter since I first started reading it. I just knew it was too much of a coincidence that he suddenly began talking to me then I find the reply diary? Plus, Hunter has expressed how much he cares for me without any apparent reason since that time in the hospital when he randomly kissed me. So there's obviously been a reason for all the affection and I finally found it.

But just because I now know, doesn't mean I'm happy - so to speak. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad Prince Charming isn't some strange creep or old man, and I really appreciate his words, but he still lied to me for over six months. He's had so many opportunities to tell me the truth, particularly when we talked about my diary and the replies. That was the perfect time for him to confess and he didn't.

 I don't like how easy it seemed for him to just lie to me for months because I could never do that to him. Ever.

Reply Entry #26

Dear Hazy,

You're not completely wrong. 'Ciao' does mean goodbye, but it does also mean hello (informally). If you were saying hello to someone you don't know and it's day time then you would say 'Buongiorno' but if it's night, you would say  'Buonasera'.

My Dad's fluent in Italian and before he left, he taught me a bit. I think the language is really beautiful.

You want to learn a language? We can always learn together when I finally find you.

Dear Hazel (Diary Series #2) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now