Chapter 7

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After a long while, I have finally been able to update. Thank you for being patient with me! Now on to the story!

Chapter 7:

They all just stared at me. The expression on each one of their faces was different. Tyler was just looking at me, Pogue had a pissed look, Kate was grinning like a mad man, Sarah was gushing, and Reid looked as if he was annoyed. I looked at Caleb, who wasn't even paying attention to me. He just looked past me and I watched Chase, as if he was trying to figure out something about him.

"You two are adorable together," Kate squealed. Sarah nodded in agreement.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused. Sarah raised her brow like I didn't know. "Chase?" I asked pointing to myself. They nodded quickly in excitement.

"No you and the detergent," Reid sarcastically added. I shot him a look in which he responded with rolling his eyes.

"Chase and I are just friends," I said turning back to Kate and Sarah. "Nothing going on between us," I added. "We should get going now." Pogue agreed with me and we headed back to the dorm.

The boys helped us with our groceries and we all hung out in the dorm. We ordered pizza once it was around dinner time and Caleb insisted on paying for all of us. I felt a little guilty for him paying for me so I slipped some money to Sarah, who would slip it into Caleb's wallet later when he wasn't looking. I watched how the group acted with one another. They were very close, like family, especially the boys. They were like brothers. It was so obvious. They would treat Sarah and Kate like they were family also. Like sister in-laws.

They were a family. I wonder what that's like....


The library was massive. It was like the one in Beauty and the Beast, except, it was all real. Books upon books filled the three story building. I had already spent about three hours here just studying. I told myself once I finish all my homework for the week, I would let myself wander and find books I liked. It was quiet and very old fashioned. There was a history to the building that was kept even through all the renovations. It was a masterpiece.

I wandered around, taking in every book that was on the shelves. I was still in the non-fiction section. I made my way through each time period and found a gigantic section on the witch trials here in Massachusetts, that linked to the others in Europe. I pulled a book out that just said, Ipswich on it. I sat on the stool and cracked it opened to a random page.

The Sons of Ipswich.

There were four names that were familiar. Danvers. Perry. Simms. Garwin.

Now isn't that interesting.

I read on. They were accused in the witch trials when they came over on the Mayflower. Then, the book started talking about curses and spells that were used in that time and people somehow linked them to these four families. Actually five. There were many mentions of the Putnam family, but then the last of the line died and there were only four left, until they left town and were never heard from or seen again.

And the plot thickens!

"I found her!" Someone shouted. The room filled with many shhh's and shushes. I looked up and saw my blonde and brunette roommates walking towards me.

"This is a library, you know?" I whispered to them as the leaned against the window seal. They giggled to themselves and dropped their book bags on the floor.

"What are you reading?" Kate asked as she looked down at the book.

"It's about Ipswich and there is a mention of the Sons of Ipswich. Are they ancestors to the boys?" I asked not holding back my curiosity. Sarah and Kate exchanged looks like they have been here before. Maybe they've been asked this a lot?

"Their ancestors were one of the found families here. The book goes on about magic and witchcraft. It's all mumbo jumbo," Sarah jumped in before Kate could answer. "I read the same book when I first moved here and I asked the boys and they just said it was there to sell the book. Nothing true."

"It should be in the fiction section, to be honest," Kate laughed. "Come on, let's go get something to eat," she said picking her bag up. "My treat!"

"Wait, last question, I must know the answer to!" I said before she could leave. She stopped and nodded at me. "Is the Putnam family still around or was that a fake?" I asked. Sarah shrugged her shoulders and looked at Kate with me. Kate looked as if she were trying to remember something but ended up shaking her head.

"I can't remember anything about a Putnam family," she answered. I nodded with slight satisfaction. "We'll meet you outside," she said as she walked away with Sarah. I nodded so she knew I heard her.

Something felt off about their answers. They weren't being one hundred percent truthful. Then it could just be family drama. Who knows?

I packed up my things and put the book back where I found it. I started to walk away but had a tug in my stomach to want to read it more. I rushed back and grabbed it. I checked it out and placed it in my backpack before heading out to meet up with Kate and Sarah.

There was something in me that wanted to know more. If I couldn't find out from Kate and Sarah then I would do my own research.

There has got to be more.... The plot must thicken!

..... Blair you're a dork. No wonder you have no friends.


Author's Notes:

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story! If you liked it, feel free to give this chapter a vote and/or comment. I would love to hear what you guys think. See you at the next chapter!

- Impact

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