Chapter 30

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Jade's P.O.V


All I could see was darkness, surrounding me.

My eyes felt like they were glued shut with superglue so the only thing I could do was lay there.


Like an hour or something passed and I could only just open my eyelids to the point where I was squinting.

Somehow just by that small action, it felt like all my energy had drained out of my fragile body.

I closed my eyes again so I could gain my energy back.

When I woke up, I could see clearly again but there was one problem.

I couldn't move any of my limbs.

Not even one toe or finger, nothing.

Now that I could actually see, I realised I wasn't really in the best position on my part.

On everyone else's part though , they could come in to this room and do anything they pleased for their sickly pleasure.

Even though I couldn't move, I still somehow lifted my head up and inspected my self for any injuries that might have occurred whilst I was knocked out.

And damn my throat was sore, I don't even think I have a voice after all the screaming I did.

As I was inspecting my body the only injuries I found were my wrists that were cuffed down to the table which were bleeding and a couple minor scratches and stuff like that.

Suddenly someone bursts through the door and he walks over to me with a sadistic grin on his face.

I started pulling against the cuffs that held me down, trying to escape the situation but that only made my wrists bleed even more.

"There is no escape', the sadistic man whispered in my sensitive ear.

"Let me go", I grunted hoarsely through gritted teeth.

The man walked away from me with a sarcastic laugh.

"Now why would I do that".

I decided that the best thing to do in this situation was to ignore him and maybe he would get bored of me and let me go.


He walked over to some chest of drawers and all I could hear was metal against metal which made me less comfortable then I was before.

Once he is done with that, he walks over to me with something behind his back.

He suddenly drops it and I can see that it is a belt with oh so many torturing devises.

A knife is pulled out and he slices right down the middle of my shirt exposing my stomach that has a couple bruises on it.

Then he rips the shirt right off me and starts undoing my cuffs.

Now that I am not cuffed anymore, he grabs my limp body and flips in over so I am laying on my stomach.

At this moment of time I am literally petrified of what harm is to come my way.

My hands and ankles are cuffed back up and I can see him ripping my pants off so now I am only inn my bra and panties.

"Your staying awfully quiet aren't you?" 

I just ignored him.

After about a minute or so of silence I am still laying on my back.

Suddenly a needle is injected into my neck and I can slowly feel all my limbs again.

I thrash around until my back is instantly on fire with the sound of a whip cracking on to my flesh.

I try to scream but I have no voice and he just keeps going cracking the whip on to my back while I struggle to escape from the torture table.

A while passes while I just have no energy to keep struggling so I give up and he finally stops with the whip.

"Was that fun?" he asks me sarcastically.

I keep quiet.

He undoes the cuffs and I being the hopeful person I am, thinks that he is finished but I am wrong.

I get chained up against a wall and my body tenses from the cold contact.

With no warning he latches on to my neck and starts to drain the life out of me.

My body becomes too weak so I just collapse, hanging from the chains.

He finishes his meal on me and just leaves me there but not before pulling out a knife and putting one big gash on my stomach.


I wish I could die so I didn't have to be in this much pain anymore.

Being all battered up and bruised, I just reminisce about all my childhood, like how I used to have a family and we used to be all happy like a family should be.

Whoever that stupid torturer guy was, I don't think he was the boss of all this but I don't know I just have a feeling.

Suddenly someone carefully walks through  the door to find me hanging in chains.

I recognise his face from when I first arrived to this awful place.

He walks up to me and I just hang my head low hoping there wasn't more pain to come.

"Oh my god!" he says surprised.

"I told him to scare you a bit, not torture you till the point your almost dead".

"I guess he got a bit carried away".

Now I am thinking that he is the one that runs it all.

I hear footsteps so I flinch.

"Sorry sweety, but I think he's broken you", he says in a whisper.

He comes over to me and undoes all the chains and I just collapse on to him.

He starts walking towards the door and I silently cry onto his shoulder.


Hey all my little pandas!

Hope you enjoyed this exra long chapter!

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