Chapter 2

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Finally getting to my English class 10 minutes late might I add! Thanks to Kyler. The teacher Ms. Lundberg gave me a look and stopped teaching mid sentence. I swallow in fear of what she might say. 

"Now Miss. Carter, care to explain to the class why you are late and interrupting their class?" Ms. Lundberg said glaring at me.

I cleared my throat about to speak when someone decided it would be fun to rat me out. Basically. 

"She was talking to Kyler Benson!" A young male voice yelled from the back. 

Shit. The teacher now straightens up and walks behind her desk filling out a form. Shit, shit. As she walks back around she hands me a yellow slip in big bold letters saying DETENTION. 

Well this is convenient. Her class goes by pretty slow while I am sending death glares to the kid that ratted me out. Of course I was going to lie my way out of it saying 'I couldn't find your classroom since it is my first day I had a little trouble.' But thanks loud mouth I got in trouble. 

Once the bell rings I walk straight to my next class. The rest of the day goes by fairly quick because I have the dreaded detention. On the first day. My dad will be so impressed.

 Dragging my feet to the door I opened it. Really, this day cannot get any worse than it is right now. That dark hair is very recognizable. I slip in the room handing the advisor in the room my slip, as he hands me a slip to fill out while I wait for my detention to be over. While writing my name someone as in the devil himself Kyler pinches me really hard right on my arm. I scream in pain as the teacher looks right at me and starts yelling. "What part of quiet detention do you not understand? That means shut up and fill out the paper!" He yells and I had had enough. Why not make the day worse right? Yeah my thoughts exactly. 

"Listen here. I do NOT appreciate you talking to me like that! You wouldn't like it if someone got all up in your face and yelled at you talking to you like you have some brain issue! So would you kindly shut it?" Oh yep I'm in deep shit now. While Kyler is smirking at me with shock and admiration because I just told off the detention teacher. 

"Office now!" He yells pointing to the door. I gladly got my bag and stood up towards the door. I had crumpled the paper into a ball and threw it at his face. Bullseye. Then I slammed the door. I could hear Kyler laughing along with his buddy Jake. And a few more that I don't know. I know Blair has a huge crush on one of them I think his name is Jackson... Yeah that's it! I figured why not make the problem worse if this school can figure it out. I'm not going to the "office" I'm going home. I need a shower and I want my bed and Netflix. Even though the dreaded stepmother and her evil children are home. Ugh I want to hibernate and not come out until I am 18 and have my license and a car with a nice house and a hot boyfriend who is loaded. Yeah that sounds about right. 

As I go to my locker to gather my things it gets slammed shut. Great satan. Oh how I missed you. Kyler is leaning on the locker next to mine and has a little grin on his face. Ugh why is he so hot? It's really starting to annoy me.  

"Hello babe," he says so easily. He must say it a lot.  

"What do you want Sata- idio- Kyler." I say almost forgetting his real name. Satan or Idiot should be his name. Hey maybe it is his middle name?

"Whoa who got your panties in a twist?" He said putting his hands up in defense. 

"Hmm let's think on that one. You stopped me on my way to English then I was forced to say why I was late in front of the whole class before some kid in the back yelled saying 'She was with Kyler Benson' causing me to get a detention with you, then you pinched me. Causing me to yell then the teacher yells at me then I yell back throwing a paper in his face. Now here you are again not helping your case." I say trying to do my code on my locker again. "How was that for a play by play?"

"Oh yeah that's right, you get pretty hot when you get all mad and yell." He says with a smirk. I start to blush so I quickly look down. 

"Don't you have other girls to 'torture'?" I say letting out a huff. 

"Nope you are the lucky winner until you come begging for me which I can tell won't be long." He said playing with the lock on the other locker. Finally I open my locker getting all my things out then closing it I head for the main doors. "So where are you headed now?" Kyler asks, pfft as if he really cares. 

"Well nosey I am going home. I want to shower and watch Netflix in peace. Maybe that will cheer me up because today has been complete bullshit." I say as I keep walking. 

"Ooo a shower. Mind if I join?" He says with a smile. I coughed and started laughing. I couldn't help myself. He was just a idiot and everything he says makes me chuckle. But he looks dead serious now. But doesn't say anything. So I do. "Why are you all serious now?" I ask rolling my eyes. 

"Because I'm trying to figure you out. You are a tough nut to crack you know that. And my plan is going to prevail but you won't make it easy. Most girls would be all over me joining them in the shower. Even though I know you secretly wouldn't mind." He says with a wink. I let out a 'ugh' sound and I start walking faster. So does Kyler. 

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" I yell throwing my hands up. 

"Mmmm there is that sexy anger again." He says winking once more. 

"Look why don't you flirt it up with the easiest girl in school. Like hmm lets see CLAIRE! She is so easy. Why don't you 'torture' her. Because you really are torturing me. And not the good kind!" I cover my mouth as soon as those last words left my mouth. Oh. My. God. I will never out live this one. Kyler stares at me with those hazel eyes that make you want to melt. 

"You are a kinky one? Welp I wouldn't have guessed that." I started to say something but he just puts his hand up silencing me. 

"And besides I don't like Claire she is too easy. She is obsessed with me. I swear everyday she tries to get with me. So annoying." I laugh at this. 

"Oh please you are so cocky it's lame. Believe it or not, not every girl wants to hook up with you." I say rolling my eyes. 

"I know. You don't. Tinley." Ooo the way he said it gave me the chills. 

"You are right I don't and quite frankly I'm not all that interested." Lies. Yup keep lying to yourself Tinley. 

"You will be." He said and without another word he jumps in front of me and grabs my waist pulling me into a kiss. OH MY LANTA KYLER IS KISSING ME!

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