Cliche - I'm Sorry, Can We Start Over?

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                                                            " Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder " 

"Finally, your ass been in there for a whole two hours. Sh*t a nigga need to hop in the water." Romane caught a straight attitude as I walked out the bathroom.

"I have to look good before I go see Quamaine."

"I don't give a sh*t. Even if you was going to see Obama himself I would've still kicked your ass out. It don't take two whole hours to wash your ass."

"I had to do my hair, brush my teeth, and get dressed."

"That still don't take two hours."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes, making my way downstairs to the kitchen.

"You need bus fair?" mama asked when I walked in.


"Look in my purse, get twenty dollars at most."


Running up to her room, I looked inside her Prada purse and accessed twenty dollars.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome. Now go see my future son in law." she teased.

"Ma, we just friends."

"Mhm."  she gave me the stale face

I laughed leaving out the front door. A red Surburban was parked in our driveway. The doors opened and the last two people that I expected to see popped out.

"What you been up to honeybun?" he walked towards me with his arms on the shoulders of the dark chocolate man.

My mouth was wide open by this time.

"What you doing here?" I asked.

"I came to see you."

"Daddy, I'm seventeen. Do you know how long you've been gone?"

"Three years. I know, I ain't mean for that to happen babygirl, but I'm here now, you got to give me credit for that."

"Are you stupid? You left us for a man ! The f*ck do I look like forgiving you for that."

"Aye, you better watch your damn mouth. Just cause I was gone don't mean you can be flip at the damn mouth. I'm still your damn daddy."

"A real damn daddy wouldn't leave his family for another man." I pushed passed him and went about my way.

This man had the audacity to pop up out of no where thinking I was gone give two f*cks about him after he left us


He must've lost his damn mind.

Three Years Ago : 

"Where you going beautiful?" Daddy asked me.

"No where, I just felt like getting dressed up."

"I don't know what for. We ain't going no where."

"Daddy can you please come to the dance with me tonight?"

"I told you, I don't like them damn school dances."


"Cause I don't know how to dance, and them teachers up at your school gone make me clown out."

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