Cliche - Are The Narcotics Talking?

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                                                   "Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder " 

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but it's getting too hard to hold you. My beauty is not sober because it's gets you high. Like how can I explain this. I'm scratching my temple trying to explain this principle. It's not easy, you see, for me, I've been chasing these dreams, but is  it true that these dreams are chasing me. I've been oblivious to the fact that he got another love, but can his past be my last, so that we can be together, I wanted this forever. 

You see she puts the "M" in formidable, she's the "A"  to my aggression, the "X" to my exception, the "I" to my perception, but I can't bare to see because she's the "N" to my negativity, She's the blockade to my ability, to love my one and only, she's that "E" to my loneliness. It's clear to me that I can't bare with this. Someone come forth and take care of this. For me, cause I can't breathe.

Friends? What are they? I spill my heart out one day, and the next visit I get from you, it's not so welcoming. You were suppose to be my day one, but you choose to burn like the sun, your rage is like fire, and your flames set forth desire. I'm confused. It's unfortunate that I feel used. I feel misled because I thought that we had strong bonds, not affairs. 

She must feel proud of her accomplishment, but I'm gone sit back and wait for her abolishment. We used to be cool, but we ain't cool no more. From now on she's disabled from my heart. She won't be able, to enable herself into my life, because while I'm playing girlfriend, she wants to go behind my back and play as wife. Like for real, tell me what's up with that. That b*tch need to put on her thinking cap, cause it's killing me inside because she feels like she can collide her feelings with mine, when all he wants is me.

But, I'm still angered with both of them because I trusted him to push away, yet he stood there and stayed, talking all this sh*t about him being afraid. I looked him in his face and stated, "What are you afraid of?" he simply responds by saying, "I'm afraid to lose my second love."

Second? Please tell me why this is a question. I reckon, that it's because his first love was someone he couldn't have, but on his behalf he spoiled her, and he thinks that's love. Love is not about all the roses and chocolates. I feel it in my esophagus that love is deeper. He doesn't want to love me, but I'm trying to defeat her, in the competition that I'm in. So, far I'm not even winning. I keep telling myself this is just the beginning, but when he was hugged up with that b*tch of friend, did it ever cross his mind that I was the start to his ending.

I really can't say, my heart is starting to decay, from his delay to love me. So, I guess I'm finished, please tell Quamaine that our love is diminshed.  

"Azalea that was a great spoken word performance." Ms.Itkin stated as I finished off my poem for the class.

"Thank you." I half-smiled.

"You can take a seat now, and Azalea that was really a great performance."

"Thanks." I said again, making my way down the narrow aisle to take my seat. As I walked pass some of the students in my class they all eyed me. I could hear them snickering and murmuring under their breath saying things like, "Does she really go with Quamaine, king of the streets."

I sighed, holding in my breath as I waited for the bell to ring. And just on time, it rung, signaling the departure from Ms.Itkins's class to lunch. I grabbed all my books, dropping them in my over the shoulder as I exited the class.

"Azalea." Someone lowly said my name, but I heared them loud and clear.


"I'm not really sure what this question is asking me, do you mind explaining it me?" A boy that goes by the name Alex asked.

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