Cliche - Mistress

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                                                             " Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder " 

" Ma, I ain't got nothing to wear." 

"Where you going?"

"I'm going to a play with somebody at school. I need to go shopping."

"Girl that closet up there got all the clothes you need."

"Ma, please can I borrow some money. I'm gone pay you back."

"Nope, not until you tell me all your plans."

"Quamaine taking me out to dinner as a pre-birthday present."

"Oooo kill em, my future son-in-law doing big things, huh?" she smiled flipping her perfectly round pancakes.

"Ugh, you need to stop, that's not cute." I mugged her, "So, you gone give me some money or what?"


"But, you was just all giddy a few seconds ago."

"So, that was just for that moment."

"Bi-polar ass." I mumbled under my breathe.

"Excuse me what was said?" she looked at me.


"Better had not gotten flip at the mouth. Here I need you to take Romane to the airport, he has to be back at school in the morning." she said tossing me her keys.

"You trust me with your car?" I asked.

"To a certain extint, but if it don't come back in one piece you can kiss your Charlotte Russe checks goodbye until you get my car repaired."

"That's just wrong."

"No, Lea, that's responsibility."

"Sure." I said sarcastically.

"Ma, I'm ready to go." Romane said with all his bags stacked up by the front door.

"Azalea taking you."

"Nah, I'm not trying to die. I need to be at school tomorrow. She can't drive."

"Boy, go get in the car with your sister."

He huffed and she smacked him in the back of the head, "Don't be disrespectful. I don't care how grown you is." 

"I'm sorry."

"Yeah, I know. Come back in town for thanksgiving."

"You know I ain't gone miss that holiday." he leaned over to kiss my mama on the cheek.

"Greedy ass, just use me and my mama for our food."

"Shut your ass up and let's go. Lil big head ass." he said pushing me on the door.

"Be careful !" mama shouted.

"We will."

"If Azalea don't kill me first." Romane said placing his bags in the trunk.

"Shut up." I giggled.

My mama been paranoid with us being on the road ever since Quamaine's car accident. She never seen so many stitches and bruises in her life, but she got over it. So, she's real cautious when me and Romane leave out to do anything. Whether we take the bus, train, etc. She gets worried and I understand because we're her kids and she doesn't want us to get hurt.

"So, you and that n*gga still talking?" Romane asked as we got on the road.

"His name is Quamaine, and yes we're still talking. He's my boyfriend."

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