Cliche - Complicated

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                                               " Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder " 

"Ma, I'm gone." I shouted as I left out the front door.

"Hol' up, where you going?" My daddy asked following behind me.

For the past week he's been here on my damn case about everything. Trying to form some type of relationship with me. Every day he wants me to stay in the house, so that we can spend time together, but the days I am here, I simply close my room door and zone him out with my headphones, blasting some type of music. 

"That ain't none of your concern." I snapped.

"Azalea, how many times do I have to say I'm sorry?" he asked, pulling me back inside the house, turning me around, so that I could face him.

"You shouldn't have to apologize to me daddy. A real father would've been there for his wife and kids. I waited for you, for three hours straight, and you left me for another man. I don't even care if you're gay, but I'm pissed off that you would leave without saying goodbye. Nothing I do is your concern anymore, you obviously made your decision, own up to it." I snapped back, "I'm seventeen years old now, I don't need you telling me what I can and cannot do. You wasn't here to discipline me three years ago, why choose now? You left us, daddy. What about Romane? He wanted to f*cking kill himself. You weren't here, so you wouldn't even think to bond with him. Who was here? I was ! Mama was ! You was no where to be found. Where were you when I got my first license? Where were you on my sixteenth birthday? You weren't there. I don't need you anymore. You can pack up your sh*t and go live a happy life with your new husband cause for real daddy your time here is useless to me." I snatched away from him, running to Quamaine's truck.

"What took you so long? You told me you was ready." he said once I sat down in the passenger's seat.

The lump in my throat expanded as tears slipped from my eyes. He didn't even think to question me once more, but instead he wrapped his strong arms around me, kissing away the tears. After the hug, we drove in silence. I'm guessing he was waiting for me to tell him what was wrong, so I did.

"My daddy left us for another man. I was only fourteen at the time. He abandoned me at the father-daughter dance. I honestly don't know what hurt more." I said wiping away my tears, "He just recently came back when we got together. He was trying to build a relationship with me."

"And how is that working out for him?"

"No good because I'm thinking about signing my rights over to my mama."

He chuckled as he stopped the car in a huge parking lot. I honestly didn't know what was funny and I sure as hell didn't think it was.

"The f*ck is funny?" I asked.

"You, babygirl." he said turning off the ignition, and hopping out the car.

"Where we at?"

"Don't worry about it."

"I am going to worry cause I wanna know."

"Too damn bad." he said, grabbing my hand was we walked into the building, "Come here, we need to talk." he stated, sitting me down in a chair in where I'm thinking is a lobby.


"Your decisions."

"What about them?"

"Baby, I never been in your position, nor do I want to be, but I do know that having a father in your life is cool as f*ck. N*ggas my age never in met their fathers cause they just up and bailed out. That sh*t ain't cool at all. How you think them kids with no fathers feel?" he asked as he held onto my hand, "They feel incomplete. At least your daddy came back for you, babygirl. Cause where I'm from deadbeat ass fathers don't come back for their seeds. I don't know about you, ma, but that's love right there. He took the time to come back for you, the least you can do is hear him out. Cause once you sign dem rights over, ain't no turning back. You need to think about this, for real, baby."

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