Diagon Alley

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I spent day after day horse-riding with Lee, until it was time to go to Diagon Alley. We apparatus to a hidden alleyway in London, a few minutes away from the Leaky Cauldron.

We reach the Leaky Cauldron, and I look in curiously.

I walk in, and see an old wizard behind the bar. I nod at him, and Lee's dad says "Just passing through."

We walk behind the bar, and go through the door. And we are confronted by a brick wall.

"I know we're wizards, but are we expected to fly over this?" I joke, and Lee laughs.

He presses his wand against five bricks, and the wall opens up, forming an arch.

"You shouldn't be so sceptical of the British." Lee remarks, and I blush, going as red as a tomato.

We continue up to Florean's Icecream Parlour, where we are supposed to meet the (rest of the) Weasleys. As we order, a familiar group of red heads walk up.

"Gred, Forge!" I yell, running down to them. I jump and throw myself at them.

"Lee, why was she so desperate to get away from you?" George asks grinning mischievously.

Lee stands there horrified, and I continue to slap George in the face.

"And T-Lex strikes again." Fred jokes, and now it is his turn to get a slap.

"Mum!" I cry, and hug her.

"Hello dear." Mum replies. "Are you well?"

"Very! Apart from those two bumbling idiots who call themselves my triplets..." I frown, acting serious.

Fred and George fake offence, and I smile sweetly, before turning back to Lee. I grab his hand, and run to Ginny.

"Hi Gin! I guess last week was boring, especially if those two were involved!" I start, receiving a glare from Fred and George.

"Actually, it wasn't too bad. Dean was over-"

I raise my eyebrows. "Who is he?" I question, and wink.

Ginny's face looks appalled. "Not here!" she hisses, an I pretend to look shocked.

"Ginny Weasley, what is it that I can't know?" I ask loudly, receiving a glare. Ginny turns around and stomps off, whisper-yelling about how she didn't miss me at all.

I turn back to go in and order my favourite icecream, mint and chocolate chip. I sit beside Lee and Fred, and across from Ginny and George.

"Where's Ron?" I ask, only realising he was missing now.

"Off somewhere with Harry and Hermione, I think." Ginny answers, and I smirk.

"Talking to me now I see." I murmur, and Ginny turns around in a huff.

"Calm down Gin, I am only messing. Now care to tell me what you did that Mum and Dad can't know?" I say and Ginny turns back, her face bright red.

"I am not saying it in front of these two!" she hisses, and Fred pretends to look shocked.

"First, Ginny are you a Parselmouth now, as you've been hissing a lot. Secondly, where is Dean, I need to pummel him?" George says, receiving a killer grin from Ginny.

He visibly recoils at her resemblance to Mum.

"Fr-fr-freddie? Help me please!" George whispers.

"Okay, let's go Georgie!" Fred exclaims a bit happier than his brother. They apparate away, probably to Zonko's to get revenge on Ginny.

"They are gone now. So what will we do to stop them from getting revenge on you?" I inquire, and Ginny has a thoughtful look on her face.

"I am not allowed use magic, but you two are. I could teach you the Bat-Boogey Bex!" Ginny exclaims excitedly. "The incantation is Basna Treducto, and you just point and bring down."

Ginny's eyes are alight with excitement. "We can do it right before they try to pull a prank on us!"

I grin in agreement, and Lee isn't opposing to the idea. Eventually, he nods, and we get practicing.

Over the next hour, we go to Flourish and Blotts, Quality Quidditch, Madame Malkins, and Eelops Owl Emporium. I find out Ron and Hermione are prefects, I am ashamed at Ron, as are my brothers/partners in crime (usually.)

Fred and George haven't tried to pull anything yet, but I am always prepared.
As real Mad-Eye would say, "Constant vigilance!"

It was when we were going to Grimmauld Place disaster really struck, we'll sort of. Fred and George threw Dung Bombs at Lee and I as we were about to kiss, but luckily for us, Mr. Weasley saw and threw up a protection shield.

So when that didn't work, they tried hexing us. With my spell!

I found myself speaking Spanish, and glared at them. Muttering the counter-hex, I stride up to them, and yell, "Basna Treducto!" ferociously, and suddenly there are bats everywhere.

"You are as good as Ginny at that hex." George mutters defeatedly, as Ginny and I dance around the Burrow, where we are boasting about our triumph.

Lee and I did manage to kiss goodbye, promising to meet each other at Platform 9 3/4. It was less than a week away, and I couldn't wait.

"What house do you think I'll be in?" I ask Ginny nervously, the day before we leave, while packing our trunks

"Gryffindor, duh. Even if Ron was almost sorted into Hufflepuff, he still managed to make it to Gryffindor! It is in our blood!" Ginny rolls her eyes. "Anyway, your too nice for Slytherin, maybe Ravenclaw, even if you do think rashly, which is actually a Gryffindor trait. And you don't look like a Hufflepuff."

I raise my eyebrows. "Is there a specific look Hufflepuffs have?"

"Oh yes..." Ginny nods seriously. "They are all so approachable, and are always in large groups."

We burst out laughing, but I still feel nervous.

"It will be fine Xandria." Ginny reassures me. "The only ones that will disown you is Fred and George, and if they try, they will get disowned themselves!"

I laugh. "Wow Ginny, thanks for the reassurance!" I say sarcastically.

"No problem!" she smiles innocently, even if she is pure evil inside.

It is the next day, and I find myself on Platform 9 3/4.

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