Telling Percy

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Authors Note
In this book, Xandria and Snape share the DADA job. Slughorn still comes, and whatever. Xandria will spend every secon day at the shop.

We walked to the Ministry, Fred, George, Angie, Alicia, Fleur and I, and went down to the floor Percy was working on.

I lead the way into an office on the left, where Percy was sitting down, looking worried.

"What is it? Oh it you." Percy says, looking surprised. "Why are you here?"

I smile. "I have some news, Lee and I-"

"You're pregnant!" Percy shouts, and everyone goes silent. Fred, George, Angie, Alicia, Fleur and I burst out laughing.

"No!" I protest. "Lee proposed! I am not pregnant! We came to tell you, and ask if you wanted to come to the wedding."

Percy looks surprised. "Married? But you are only-"

Percy's face at started to turn a bright red, similar to what usually happens to Ron.

"Eighteen, yes we are adults." I correct him before he says we are only kids. "In fact I am teaching at Hogwarts this year!"

Percy looks proud. "At least you got a proper job, rather than-"

Percy finds himself against a wall, with a wand pointed at his face.

"Oh, I am still working at the shop, of course. Now, don't call it stupid, and I won't cast a Furnunculus curse at you."

I let Percy down, dust off my hands, and walk out the door, followed by my fellow triplets, Angie, Alicia and Fleur.

By the time we had reached Saturday, Mum had visited me a total of fifteen times, and Lee's Mum had owled me at least a hundred messages.

It was Saturday morning, and Lee and I had just arrived at the Burrow, and Mum had rushed up to us, and shooed us inside.

Bill and Charlie looked excited, and Dad looked happy. Lee and I received several (hundred) hugs, and lots of congratulations.

Mum sat us down at the table, looking extremely serious.

"When will we have the wedding?" she asks, and Lee and I look at each other.

"We have talked about this and we think that in the winter is the best." I put forward my idea.

"We were thinking either New Years or the Winter Solstice. And hopefully it would be snowing!" Lee suggests, and Mum and Georgia nod.

"That sounds nice. We can work with that. Now, Lee goes with the men throughout the week to buy robes, and Xandria comes with Georgia and I. And the girls of course." Mum says smiling at my bridesmaids.

"Ginny and Hermione will be going back to school next week, so we can try and get the dresses before then. Then we work on the layout, food, planning, Minister, invitations, everything!" Mums eyes glaze over in happiness.

We all agree on that plan, then we eat Mums special, engagement feast.

After being stuffed like a turkey, Fred, George, Lee and I head to our apartment back in Diagon Alley.

The next day, Lee and I head to Madame Malkins to buy several robes for the next year as a teacher. After I have completed that errand, we go out for dinner.

"I was thinking... for the layout, wouldn't all white and gold be nice? We can have these white, tree arches and columns, intertwined with roses...." Lee suggests.

I sigh happily. "That sounds amazing! We can put a heating charm around the Burrow, so then we won't get pneumonia and freeze to death."

Lee nods in agreement. "That wouldn't be a good wedding present." he jokes, and I laugh.

"That was a really a bad joke!" I scold him. "If we have children, I hope they have my sense of humour, for their sales alone."

Lee rolls his eyes and kisses me. "Then they would have to look like me, but with your eyes."

I smile in agreement. "We probably should go back to the apartment now, it is freezing!"

The rest of the week flew past, a flurry of dress shopping and kissing.

We had bought the bridesmaid long, gold, cocktail dresses, with delicate embroidery, and Mum and I had several choices on my dress. All I knew about Lee's robes was that it was bought.

I was packing my trunk for Hogwarts with Lee, and we were having an.... interesting conversation with Lee.

"How am I supposed to talk to you?" Lee pouts.

"Everyday." I point out. "The job is only every second day. I will be working at the jokeshop most days."

Lee nods at my reassurance.

"Don't worry! Anyway, I will be gone by next year, remember the DADA curse..."

Lee looks troubled. "Someone died before."

I look at him pointedly. "Do I look like I am possessed by Fod?"


"Then I am fine! Want to apparate to Hogsmeade with me?" I ask, holding out my hand.

He takes it, and whoosh, Hogsmeade!

"Ugh, you would have thought I would be used to that by now...." I groan, and kiss Lee passionately. "See you in two days Lee! I love you."

"I love you too Lexi. Goodbye."

Lee kisses me on the nose before apparating away.

I smile sadly. I didn't like to be without Lee.

I walk up to Hogwarts, and head up to Dumbledores office, an hour before the train is due to arrive.

"Hey Mister Hat!" I greet. The sorting bar starts muttering.

"Why is she here? Merlin save me-"

Dumbledore walks in. "Ah, Ms. Weasley. Or Ms. Jordan too be. Congratulations again."

"Thanks Professor. If you don't mind me asking, where will I be staying? I won't be staying overnight all the time-" I start rambling.

"It is fine Alexandria. You may stay in the guest quarters on the fifth floor, next to the DADA classroom."

I nods in thanks. "And Alexandria? Will you fetch the first years, Hagrid is... occupied, and Minerva isn't too well."

"Will do Professor!" I send my trunk to my room, and start walking down the road towards the train.

I stand there for a while, until finally I spot the train. I start waving when the train stops, and begin yelling for the first years to come over.

"First years! Yoo hoo! Come over here! All older pupils, send over the first years!"

Finally, I have all the first years gathered, and I take them to the boat, while spouting random facts about Hogwarts.

"Are you Xandria Weasley?" one of the girls asks meekly.

"Yep! Your new, part-time DADA teacher, and pranker supreme. Co-owner of Weasley Wizard Wheezes!" I announce, and the first years burst into giggles.

"Did you really do all that stuff to Umbridge?" a young boy inquires curiously.

"Well, some of it was done by Fred, George and I, but Lee, Angie, Alicia and Fleur sometimes got involved. Then Gred, Forge and I got bored of school, left a swamp, that remains there today, and set off a load of fireworks we made!"

The first years grin in awe.

"Okay, now four in a boat, and follow the direction I am going in. Unless you want to be eaten by the giant squid of course." I instruct. Twenty minutes later we reach the shore.

"Follow me! Up to these big doors, and wait. I will fetch you in a second." I order.

I run into the Great Hall, inform Professor Dumbledore, wave at the Gryffindors and run back out.

"You can come in now." I tell the first years, an they follow me through the doors.

Then the sorting hat bursts into song.

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