Chapter Three: Mixing two lives.

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I was sitting in the living room bored out of my mind. It's was a Wednesday morning. I didn't go to a public or private school. Instead, my father decided it was best if I got homeschooled. There are lots of other groups who want to exterminate our family or kidnap me to use as leverage.

My dad runs multiple monopolies inside and out of the town. He has several illegal trades going back and forth through the black market. He also has wide connections to a lot of powerful people throughout the world. He's not someone anybody would like to mess with directly. So, usually they go through Eli and I. We can handle ourselves but with me being the next boss, it's better to be safe than six feet underground.

Eli doesn't live at home. He decided to go to a university after father announced who would be his successor. He's taking business classes and he probably plans on coming back afterwards.

The problem is whether or not I would want him back. Eli and I don't have the best sibling relationship. As kids, we got along great. I followed him everywhere, as a younger sibling usually does. I looked up to him and thought he was the best older brother ever. Of course, as time went on he began to distance him self. He began to work hard to become the next head of the family. He thought that if he showed father he was determined, that father would surely choose him.

When I started ninth grade, I dyed my hair blonde. My brother hated resembling me so I changed appearance. Not just for him, for me as well. He was no longer the brother I knew that would buy me ice cream and take me to the park. No longer was he the older brother that would patch me up every time I got in a fight or I scraped my knee. He turned cold towards me because father always preferred me over him.

Eli's a smart guy but he lacks in physical strength. Eli had always been a sickly child so while he spent his days isolated in his room with books and mind puzzle I spent my days doing athletics and being active. When we would have our joint training father would compliment me and leave Eli in the sidelines. I knew it was hard for him but I didn't think it was my fault. It wasn't like I intentionally looked for approval and praise from our father. If anything, I always wanted Eli's praise.

Over time I started to despise him almost as much as he despised me. He always throws backhanded comments at me when ever he comes home. He's always plotting so I can't put my guard down around him.

"You're going to fry your brain from using it too much. You haven't used it for so long I can practically see the smoke coming out of your ears." Sera joked and walked up behind me and threw her arm around my neck. "Whatcha so serious about?"

"Nothing. Just thinking about Eli." I sighed softly.

"Elisha? What brought that up?" She asked looking concerned. She was aware of how our relationship went downhill. She arrived when things were already shaky between us and always observed us both. In a few months it should make it eight years she's been with us.

She was introduced by my father to the group. She had no family left. Apparently father was close to her parents and felt a responsibility to bring her in. I got along with her right off the bat. Eli and her also got along well. She was usually the only link between us. We mostly communicated through her.

"It's December which means he's most likely coming for winter break." I explained as we walked down the hall.

I personally didn't think the house was big since I've lived here my whole life but Max always says otherwise. Everyone apart of Delacroix lives in the same house as us or in the estate. Our mansion has four stories and plenty of rooms. The members who start a family have the option of living separately outside in their own house. Everyone is kept together for safety reasons. There are always guards twenty-four seven patrolling the premise along with guard dogs. They're all equipped with guns and training in hand to hand combat.

Little Mafia Boy (BoyxBoy) #1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz