Chapter 4

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Cress helped herself stand up by leaning on the sink. Lyra and Sirena were with her at Cress's house. Cress didn't even look at them when they were in the bathroom with her. Crescent held her cracked phone in her hands while she tried to remember who saved her.

Lyra fumbled with the hem of her shirt. "Crescent?"

"Gemini." Cress finally said after hours of silence. "Gemini returned."

"You mean, the society returned?" Sirena stared at her in bewilderment. "You're wrong Cress, every Gemini member has been killed off by Zero. How could you possibly be sure of it?"

"You and Lyra didn't save me. Zero couldn't possibly even care for me either. One of the members of Gemini has to be alive!" Cress cocked her head to the side, revealing her injured face.

Lyra frowned at her. "You need to clean up that bruise."

"I'll do it later," Cress said.

Sirena sighed in irritation and opened up a cabinet to reveal a medical kit. She pulled it out and went over to Cress, treating her face quickly so it wouldn't get infected. Sirena talked while examining her face,"Lyra's right. We need to go out again. Tonight."

Cress glared at her. "Haven't you ever thought about what would happen if we did go? One of us could get killed!"

"After years of having freedom, Zero came back again. Just when you think it's the end, it's only the beginning, Crescent Moon." Cress froze upon that name. She hasn't ever heard of it unless her parents call her that.

She rubbed her tired eyes. "Fine. We'll go tonight. At the tree where Matthew had been hanged, we'll take my car over there and try to find any clues." Maybe when the girls don't notice, she could bail out on them and make a run for it.

But then Cress would get scolded at by Lyra and she didn't want to sit for twenty-five minutes going on and on just for listening to her lectures.

Lyra clapped her hands excitedly,"The team is back in the game!"

Sirena scowled at her,"I hate Zero's games."


Cress put her hair up in a high ponytail and was draped in a black trench coat over her body. She dressed in black leggings and a dark grey shirt. She grabbed a pair of black boots and picked her phone up, getting the messages that the girls were ready.

Cress hurried over to her car and drove all the way to Lyra's house to pick both of them up. After getting in the car, Cress glanced at their outfits. Lyra wore a dark grey hoodie with some black jeans and Sirena put on a simple black jacket with leggings.

"We're only going to be there for thirty minutes, got it?" She asked them.

They both nodded in understanding. They got out of the car quickly and hurried over to the spot where Matthew died. Suddenly, Lyra stopped. Sirena turned around and looked at her. "What are you doing? We need to hurry up!"

"I'm scared." Lyra said. "What happens if Zero finds us here?" Having seconds thoughts already. Too late for that now!

"Then we run." Cress retorted. "Duh."

Lyra rolled her eyes and caught up with them. She searched around the trees and the branches. Lyra couldn't seem to find anything, but Sirena did.

"You guys need to come see this," She called them over in a hushed tone. Cress and Lyra stood with her, staring at the silver bracelet on the ground. Cress got down on her knees and picked it up, examining the written words on it.

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