Chapter 13

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Lyra groggily woke up and found herself in nothing but darkness. She sat up and tried to get on her feet, but had something tugging her back. She slumped as exhaustion was still in her mind.

"Are you awake, madam?" A soft voice giggled in front of her.

She peered for a closer look. "What?"

The lights went on and she backed away, her eyes almost blinded by the sudden colors.

She looked back towards one girl, she wore an elegant maid outfit and was smiling dull at Lyra.

"I hope you enjoyed your sleep, madam," she said with politeness. "I do hope you don't mind the chains we placed on you."

"Chains?" Lyra looked at her body and found herself on Queen sized bed. Her wrists were chained to the bed frame and also her clothes were different.

"Did you change my clothes?"

"Of course, we did!"


"The other four girls and I! We love pleasing our mistress and playing dress up everyday," the girl said without blinking her brown eyes. She then did a courtesy,"I'm Amelia, mistress. I hope that you'll enjoy staying at the master's home forever."

"Huh?" Lyra yanked her wrists away from the chains. "Let me go! I'm not your mistress! Where are my friends?"

"You mean those two bitches?" Amelia snorted at her. "The master is taking care of them as we speak, mistress."

"No, no, no! Tell him to stop!"

"I can't go against master's orders."

"Who the heck is your master?"

"You know him already. Master Zero, of course!"

Lyra glared furiously at Amelia and gritted her teeth at her. "Where can I talk to him?"

"Talk to? I'm sorry, but I cannot tell you where his whereabouts are, mistress-"

"I'm not your damn mistress, you brat!"

Amelia nodded,"Then what would you like me to call you? Madam? Lady Lyra?"

That little brat!

Lyra banged her head again and again against the bed frame. She sighed. "Did Zero drug you? Is that why you're working for him?"

"No, my lady. He only saved me and the others girls from death. We follow his orders and only his, we vowed to become loyal servants to him and you as long as we live." Amelia said with a proud full smile that made Lyra grimace even further. Zero actually saved them? How laughable! He could've drugged them and made them delusional to make them think that he's their savior and whatnot.

"Then get me out of these wretched chains!"

"Yes, my lady."

In no time, Lyra was free. She rubbed her sore wrists gently and got off the bed, running over to the locked door. "Dang it," she muttered.

"Master wouldn't like that, mistress." Amelia said.

Lyra ran over to the window and tried to open it up, only to find out that it was stuck and that she couldn't make it budge.

"Mistress, would you like some dinner?"

"What time is it? How long have I been sleeping?"

"You've only been out for a few days." Amelia responded. "If you're hungry, the other girls and I could prepare dinner."

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