Smoothie Challenge

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Max's POV before he went to your house.

I wanted to go to y/n's house to see what she meant by war. I decided to wait 30 minutes before I went over there. After 30 minutes I went over and knocked on the door.

Time skip to after you closed the door on him.

Okay. So that is what she meant war. This is going to be an interesting work day tomorrow. I walked back into my house and found Ross waiting for me.

" I just wanted to apologize for y/n and what she said." he said.

" Oh it's okay. No need to apologize" I said.

" I know she lied but never to me. Why would she do that to me?" he said. He sounded hurt.

" What do you mean she lied?" I asked. I felt uncomfortable talking about this but he sounded like he needed help.

" Well she would lie to the other kids about her family. But not to me. Never to me." he said.

" Oh I'm sorry. Why would she lie about her family?" I asked.

" I don't know if I should say. She asked me not to tell anyone. Even tho I'm mad at her I still don't know if I Should say" he said.

" You can trust me. I won't tell anyone" I said.

" Um" he stated.

" You can trust me" I said again.

" All I will say is she doesn't like her dad. And she didn't want people to know." he said.

" Oh I'm sorry to hear that." I said.

"Yeah well she was mean to you. I still can't believe she said that." he said.

" Yeah me too. I don't even know what I did" I said. With each word I felt more guilty.

" I know what could you possibly have done in two days?" he asked.

" Who knows people are weird." I said.

" Yeah they are. I'm going to go lay down. I want to think" he said.

" Me too. I really need to think" I said.

" Okay. Then we can all think together. But in different rooms" he said laughing a little.

" Yes" I said.

Your POV the next day

I can't believe it. Max came to my house after what he did. And now I have to go to work with him. I think I get to film a smoothie challenge about Adam, Ross, and Max. And I had a plan. So how it works is that I get to film them making the smoothies and Cory films them drinking it. I was going to ask Adam to make Max's smoothie so we can change. He will hold the camera and I will make the smoothie. That is if Adam says yes that is.

Time skip to when you get to work

"Adam Can I ask you something?" I asked walking over to him.

" Sure. Ask away" he said.

" For the smoothie challenge can you try and make sure you make Max's smoothie. I am supposed to film the making of the smoothies and I wanted to make Max's smoothie. So if you can could you get Max then we could trade. You can film and I can make the smoothie. Please?" I asked.

" Um sure." he said.

" Yay" I said.

Time skip to smoothie challenge.

I was in the kitchen waiting for the first person to walk in. Ross walked in.

" Hey Ross" I said waving to him.

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