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Your POV one week later

Right now we were driving to the airport to drop Krista off. It was me and Em in the back seat, with Krista in the passenger seat and one of her friends from college driving.

"So" I said leaning forward "You excited to see the world"

Krista laughed "It's not the world, it's a college in Arizona. Hardly the world"

" Oh come on Kris, Arizona is so different from Washington. It actually gets hot there for one" her friend, Alison, said.

" And for two?" Krista asked.

"Well..... There's no us!" She said. She flicked her eyes to the review mirror to look at us then looked back to the road.

Krista laughed " That is very true. I will miss you girls"

"Awww we'll miss you too" I said patting her neck.

Em, Alison, and I laughed as Krista's shoulder went up to protect her neck.

"What was that for? I thought we were fri ends" she whined. (I meant to spell it like that)

"Oh stop your whining" Alison said as she whacked her shoulder at a light.

"Wow! So I leave for collage and this is the goodbye I get? If that's true I'm happy to leave" Krista said crossing her arms and looking out the window.

We all laughed and Em said "You know you'll miss us"

"That's debatable at the moment" she said not looking away from the window. I could see her smiling.

I laughed and reached my finger between the window and the headrest to poke the corner of her mouth. She let out a surprised gasp and whacked my hand.

"Hey! That is rude" I said dramatically holding my hand and leaning into Em.

Em put her arms around me and said "Krista! We are driving you to the airport and this is how you repay us? By hurting poor, sweet y/n? Who will be next to suffer from your abuse?"

I stuck out my lower lip as she turned to look at us. "Oh come on. She poked me!"

"I did nothing of the sort" I protested.

"Alison?" Krista asked turning to look at her friend.

"Sorry Kris I'm looking at the road, like a good driver" Alison said.

"You wanna know what I think?" Krista asked.

We all said "Not really" and "No"

"Well too bad, you're gonna hear it. I think you are all out to get me. That's what I think this is. You are all ganging up on me and I don't know what I did to deserve it." She said. She was trying not to smile or laugh and was doing pretty good a job.

"Don't be such a baby Krissy" Alison said.

"No no I'm done. I don't need this abuse" she said.

The rest of the car ride was like this. Just fun, playful fighting. I've missed this, Ross and I haven't done this sort of thing in a while. I always feel a little bit closer to the person or persons, and it's just fun.

When we got to the airport, Em and I took Krista's suitcases out of the trunk. She said the rest of her stuff would be delivered in about a week or so. We all took our turn saying goodbye to her. I was last so after Alison I walked up to Krista and hugged her.

"Oh I'm gonna miss you" I said hugging her tight.

"I'll miss you too. Can I ask you to do something for me? It's an easy favor" she said letting me go.

"Go head" I said.

" Can" she paused to take a breath "Can you look after Max? I I just wanna make sure he's okay, you know?"

I nodded my head and hugged her one more time "Of course I will"

She pulled away and wiped a tear for her eye "Thank you. And be sure to call me"

" I'll be sure to. I don't think I could not" I said walking back to the other girls.

We all watched as she picked up her suitcase and walked to the doors. People walked around her as she turned to wave. We waved back and said goodbyes. As soon as she was out of sight we got back in the car, with Em driving, to head home. It was currently 12 at night and we were extremely tired.

"Do you guys just want to spend the night at my house? Alison I know you don't know me, us, all that well but you are welcome to" Em said as we finally pulled out the airport.

"Yeah sure. Kris trusts you, and if I die then I know I was wrong" she said laughing.

Em and I laughed along. "I think it's that time of night where everything is funny" I said.

Alison laughed "Totally"

I did it! I posted! I'm so proud of myself. Anyway I'm sorry I haven't updated a lot. Like I said I've been busy with school. Have a good day/night!

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