Helping part 1

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Your POV

I started to walk to Ross's office. " Ross?" I asked knocking on his door.

" Come in" he said.

" So things between you and Max?" I asked.

" Listen. You know how I get about my friends. If one does something to the other I get mad. You, sadly, had to be on the bad side if that. All because of Max. Now he gets to be on the bad side-" he said.

I finished his sentence. " Because of me"

" No. Not because of you. Because of him." he said.

" Besides the point. You and him are best friends. You need to forgive him." I said.

" Why are you doing this? I mean sticking up for him. He made me hate you. I mean not hate but really dis like. I would not be like this. He doesn't deserve it" he said.

I thought for a bit, smiled, and said " Well I'm not doing this for him. I'm doing it for you. And Tim. Mostly Tim. Cause who wants to live with two fighting idiots?"

He laughed then said " But I didn't forgive you in one day and I shouldn't forgive him in one day either."

" If you should have learned anything from that experience you should have learned that you need to forgive people faster. Also you should do it for Tim." I said.

"Does someone have a crush?" he asked.

I smiled and said " Oh shut up! And don't try and change the subject. You do need to forgive him" then I thought of something.

" You know what I have to go do something. I'll be back okay" I said.

" Course. No problem" he said.

" Great bye" I said. I didn't wait to hear his response. In one hour I have a break. I'll go then. Till then.

" Hey Cory do you have a pen I can use" I asked walking to his office.

" Um" he said looking around his desk " Here you go" he handed me a pen.

" Thanks" I said taking the pen and writing the letter c on the top of my hand. I handed the pen back to him.

" Gonna tell me why?" He asked taking the pen

" Later. You are part of my plan" I said walking away.

" Okay?" He said.

Now to film a makeup challenge. This will be interesting.

Time skip to one hour later

" Hey Cory do you know where I can buy handcuffs?" I asked.

" And who would we be arresting?" He asked.

" Well no one but they are a part of my plan to make Ross and Max friends again." I answered.

" How?" he asked.

I sighed. " Listen I will tell you later. I only have 30 minutes to get them. After I buy them then I will let you in on my plan. K?" I asked.

" Okay. I think they have them at a Halloween store. Preston is going there in 10 minutes. You can go with" he said.

" Thanks" I said walking away to find Preston.

" Hey hey" I said when I found him.

" Hey" he said.

" So I heard you are going to a hollows eve ( Yes I mean to spell it like that) store" I said leaning on the door frame.

" That I am" he said.

" So may I tag along like a creepy fan girl?" I asked.

" I don't mind. As long as you don't have anything else to do" he said.

" Great" I said.

Time skip to after you guys get back.

" Thanks for letting me come" I said holding the cuffs.

" My pleasure" he said.

" Thanks again" I said walking to go get Cory.

" So did you get what you wanted?" he asked.

" Yes I did. But we need to set up the cameras. So can I tell you while we do that?" I asked.

" Okay. Let's go" he said getting up.

" So what I want to do is I want you to bring Max to the server room. I'll need you to have his back to the door and him holding something. I'll bring Ross in, already with one end on his wrist, and if Max is occupied then I can put the other end on. It has to be when everyone is going home. So we don't make them late for recording or editing videos. So will you help me?" I asked as we walked to the place holding all the cameras.

" Okay that works. I'll be glad to help" he said.

" Yay! You are such a good friend. To me, Ross, and Max. All of us" I said.

" Aww thank you. And I know I am. I mean who can beat me?" he asked as we started to set up the cameras.

" Bet you I can find someone better then you" I said.

" Bring it on" he said.

I just laughed.

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