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Your POV

I was sitting with Cory eating. I didn't eat that much. Me and him have become pretty good friends since Ross was mad at me.

" You okay?" he asked.

" Yeah I'm just in shock." I answered.

" We all are but you look the worst" he said.

I smiled " Thanks for the compliment" I said.

He smiled and smacked my hand lightly. " You know what I mean. You don't look bad you just...... you just look bad" he said.

I started laughing. " Oh my god Cory. You suck." I said.

He started laughing too " I mean you look like someone just stole your cat bad." he said.

I started laughing harder.

" What?" he asked laughing too.

" Stop stop I can't breath" I said.

" Stop what? I'm not doing anything" he said.

" Just stop talking so I can catch my breath" I said.

He didn't say anything. A couple seconds later I had caught my breath. Cory was looking at something. " What?" I asked turning around.

" Oh" I said when I saw Ross standing there " Cory give us a second" I said getting up to go over to Ross. When I got to him I led him away from Cory.

" Y/n" he started.

" I already said I don't want to hear it unless you are here to apologize" I said tapping my foot.

" But that is what I'm here for" he said.

" What?" I asked in disbelief. I stopped tapping.

" Yeah. I caught Max lying to me about you. So I came to make sure you were okay with what happened. You know. Since Clark" he said.

" Don't say his name" I said. When I was in high school my first year. I made a friend, along with Ross of course, named Riley. We were pretty close. So we had a language arts class together. We were pretty bad. The teacher, Mr. K his first name was Clark, offered to tutor us. He said if we could get an okay from our parents he would take us some where to study. Well we got an okay and he drove us to his house. He put us in a room. He tried to use us for child porn. It was the worst time of my life. It took three days for someone to find us. But by then he had already gotten to Riley. He had gotten one day with me but was caught before he could do anything else. I started tearing up at the memory.

" Okay I'm sorry. But I still want to make sure you're okay. Since you didn't get counseling." he said.

" Yes I know I didn't. We didn't have enough money. And I was not going to let your family pay for it." I said.

" But we would've." he said.

" I know but it was not necessary. I was not letting you pay for something that was not necessary" I answered. I had had this conversation with him before.

" You kidding? When ever we walked in New York you always had me hold your hand. And when you went by yourself you carried a knife in your backpack." he said.

" So." I asked. Even though I knew he was right.

" So? That only happened after the event." he said.

" So. I-I. Uggh. Fine you're right. But too late now right?" I said.

" Yes. So are you okay?" he asked.

" Yes I'm fine. Hey I got to go." I said.

" Okay. Where are you going?" he asked.

" Oh um. I'm going to check the cameras" I lied.

" Okay. Have fun" he said.

" Will do" I said walking back to Cory. I wiped the tears from my eyes before he saw them.

" Hey everything okay?" he asked as I walked back over to him.

" Yes. Very okay. He apologized to me." I said. He knew all about me, Ross, and Max.

" That's amazing!" he said.

" Yeah. Hey I got to go. See you later okay?" I said.

" Sure" he said.

I walked around till I found Max. " Hey you doing okay?" I asked.

" Why would you care?" he asked not looking up from his computer.

" Because I know what it feels like to lose a friend." I answered.

" Listen you already won your friendship with Ross back. You don't need to talk to me. In fact I don't even want you too. So why don't you just run along to your camera." he said. I was shocked by his hospitality. 

" You know. I was going to make peace with you. But not now. But sense I know what you are going through I will do my best to make things okay between you two. Now I'm going to go to my camera and get ready to film you." I said walking away.

Am I really going to make things better between them? I will try. I don't dislike Max I just hated what he did. I don't mind him now. Seems like we just switched roles. Except when it was me he still seemed to still dislike me. Now he hates me even more. And I still have some anger things. Just like him. I get pretty mad around certain people like him. But I will try to make things right with those two. Max doesn't need to love me. But he needs to love Ross. Let's go make things right.

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