Pushing someone off a clif

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Italics are past memories. Who likes that title??

{Two Month Later}

Look after Max for me I just wanna make sure he's okay. Her words from two months ago played in my head. I had down exactly what she wanted, I had tried to be closer to him. And if I have to be honest, I don't think I'm doing it just for her anymore. Sure the first few weeks after she left was hard, but he got over it pretty fast. And from when I've talked to her, she seems to be doing better. For the first month I think that she was not completely over it, but after another month she was pretty good.

Last night I talked to her and she told me about the new boy she liked.
"And I meet this boy" she started "he's really nice and we've been talking a lot. I helped him when he transferred here."

I laughed "That's really good. I'm glad you found someone new"

She shuffled around on her bed "Yeah me too. You know I kinda new me and Max wouldn't work. I mean we started to have more problems that I think lead up to what happened"

"Do you know why you stated to have problems?" I asked.

"No, but they started around the time you came. Now before you think that I'm blaming you let me explain. First I'm not blaming you. I don't blame you. But I think that Max likes you"

I laughed. "That is so far from the truth. Max hated me the moment I stepped foot into his life."

"Not anymore. He's fine with you now right?" She argued

"Well that's different. Yes we are fine now, but it took him a slap to the face to see that." I admitted.

" What?" She asked laughing " No don't answer, that's a story for another time. I really do think he likes you. He likes that you don't really take no for an answer. He likes that you're different than me"

"Oh Krista" I started. Truthfully I had no idea how to respond to that. I mean what do you say? "You are a fine person. Much better than me, less of a backstory. But I really don't think he likes me"
That would be too good to be true. I mean I like him, I know that. But I it'd be wrong to date him wouldn't it?

"But you like him right?" She asked.

"No." I answered plainly.

"You answered fast" she laughed back.

I laughed too "You know the one thing I hate about how people decide if you're lying? That if you answer right away you're lying because you're too fast. You take a few seconds to say the answer and you're seen as hesitating. I was doomed from the start"

She thought for a bit "Okay fair. But I still think you do. And please don't worry about me, okay? If you like him I want you guys to be together. It'd make you and him happy, that's all I want"

"Hey y/n" Ross said.

I shook my head, clearing my thoughts. I looked around, I was in my chair next to Cory "Hi Ross. Do you need something?"

"Yeah Penny called. She wants to talk to you." He explained holding out his phone.

I smiled. I haven't talked to my best friend in forever. "Thank you thank you" I said jumping up and grabbing his phone.

I could hear him laughing as I made my way to a quiet place. "Penno!" I almost yelled into the phone.

"N/n! Oh it's so good to see you again! I miss you so much" she exclaimed with equal excitement.

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