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If I ever said what day it was I'm sorry. I forgot. And I went through some of the old parts but I can't stand to reread me writing. So sorry but say it is around Thanksgiving. Sorry again.

Your POV

When I got back to my house it was 7. I still had time to go for a walk, to clear my head. I put some stuff away and grabbed my keys. I locked the door and started to walk around the neighborhood. Now that I have time to myself and not worry about Max I can think about my mom. She was killed. All because she wouldn't give them her money. I started to tear up. She dies and I was knocked out. Bruised and cut. My mother. I heard footsteps running behind my. I clenched fists out of habit. I need to get over my trust issues, but why should I?

"Hey you. Y/n right?" someone asked.

I turned around and saw Josh. I smiled and unclenched my fists " Yep. Josh right"

"Yep. Nice seeing you again. What's wrong?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Your eyes look like you are about to cry" he said.

I started walking again. He followed. " Just remembering bad memories"

"What bad memories?" he asked.

"If you don't mind they are kind of personal. I would like to know you better before I say anything about it" I said.

"Oh no problem at all. So want to go get a late dinner?" he asked.

"What?" I asked.

"Do you." he said pointing to me. "Want to get dinner." he said spreading his hand out. "With me?" he asked pointing to himself.

I laughed "Is it a date?"

"Depends on if you want it to be." he said.

I thought a bit. "It's a date"

He smiled "you want to go now?"

I thought for a bit " I need to grab something from my house. If you give me your address then I can meet you at your house"

" Okay. See you soon" he said giving me the address to put in my phone since we didn't have paper. While he was at it he gave me his number.

I smiled. I opened his number and said ' I'm here to stalk you now' I started walking backwards so I was facing his back.

He grabbed his phone and looked down. He turned around and smiled. I waved and turned back so I was facing forward.

I got a few feet before I got a text from him ' Me too'

I smiled and shook my head. Even though I knew he couldn't see me. I texted him back and said 'Sorry can't talk. I need to get ready for a date'

'Lucky guy'

I smiled and kept walking. I was not that far from my house so it only took a couple minutes. When I got there I grabbed a bag. Just a small one that I could put my phone, wallet, and keys. Then I walked out and locked the door. As soon as I started walking I pulled out my phone, turned off the password, and opened Ross's text messages. In the bar I wrote the word ciao. It means hello and goodbye in Italian. I turned off my phone and put it back in my bag. I made Ross remember this word. When ever I feel like I could ever be in trouble I would type this in but not send it. That way if I ever am in trouble all I need to do is open, slide, and press send. And if he sees that then he knows to look for me. It's stupid but it makes me feel better. After a little bit more walking, and some wrong turns, I made it to his house. I knocked on his door.

"Hey y/n ready to go?" he asked.

I smiled "Let's do it"

"Great." he said closing the door and walking me to his car.

" M'lady" he said opening my door for me.

I laughed "You sound like my brother" I said getting in the car.

"Well I heard it from my nephew. He is 9 and he likes to say it. I think he heard it from some YouTuber called YourPalRoss." he said once he got in the driver seat.

I started laughing.

"What?" he asked starting to laugh.

"That is my brother." I said still laughing.

"Really. Your brother?" he asked.

"Well not my biological brother but we grew up together. I spent a lot of time at his house." I said as he started driving.

"Oh okay." he said.

"So does your nephew live here. In Washington?" I asked.

"Yes he does. He lives in Seattle" he said.

"Ahh okay. So when was the last time you saw him?" I asked.

"Um I don't remember but my brother is coming over for Thanksgiving so I get to see him then" he answered.

"Well maybe after the actual holiday I could convince Ross to come see him" I said.

"Really? That would mean a lot to him if he could meet him." he said.

"But don't tell your cousin yet. I want to wait till I talk to Ross" I said.

"Okay. I wont." he said.

"Good. I don't want to get his hopes up and then Ross made other planes." I said.

"Okay that makes sense. Oh hey we're here" he said.

"Okay cool. What kind of food?" I asked getting out of the car.

"Oh uh Italian. But it is mostly pizza" he said.

"Oh cool, they had places like this in New York." I said walking in.

"No. What are they talking about. This is a one of a kind place" he said sarcastically.

I slapped his arm "Oh shut up. I never really went out to eat."

He laughed.

"Right this way" A waiter says.

"What can I get you to drink?"

"Just water please" I said.

"Me too please" Josh said.

"Copy cat" I said once the waiter left.

"How so?" he asked.

"Water. Exactly like me" I said crossing my arms.

"Oh. Please forgive me, I meant no disrespect" he said.

I laughed "There we go. That is what I wanted."

"Good glad we cleared things up." he said laughing.

After that we just talked and ate pizza. It was a good date.

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