Dinner part 2

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Your POV

I like Leah, she's nice.

" Okay you can come out now. Dinner is ready" Ross called from behind the door.

" So me and the girls were talking and we wanted to have a sleepover. Please I've been stuck with you boys forever" I said opening the door.

" That's fine with me. I know Leah and Krista have clothes here. Y/n you live next door but Em do you have clothes" Ross asked.

" Yeah I think so. If not I'll steal someone's" she answered.

I laughed "sounds good."

" So does that mean I get, we get, to spend the night?" Leah asked.

" It's fine with me" he said.

" Come one let's go" I said running ahead and grabbing one of Krista's and one of Em's arms and pulling them with me. Leah was behind me. Once they were able to keep up with me I let go of their arms.

" So where are we going?" Leah asked as we ran up the stairs.

" To Max and Tim" I said stopping and taking a breath once I got to the top.

" Okay" they said stopping with me.

" Okay be quite and follow me." I said putting a finger to my lips.

They nodded their heads and followed me. I walked quickly but quietly to the kitchen. I saw Tim looking at me. I put a finger to my lips and he just turned around. I smiled knowing he was going along with me. I turned around and held out a hand to stop them. Em, who was in front, understood what I was trying to say and stopped them from coming. Max was doing something I couldn't see. Tim kept looking at me when he turned around. Max started to turn around too. Oh no my plan.

" Uh Max wait. I need your help" Tim said.

" With what?" he asked. He stopped turning around and looked at Tim. His back to me again.

" Uhhh oops" he said dropping all the silverware he was holding. He was holding all the sets that we needed so a lot.

" Tim! What was that?" he asked bending down to pick up some of the silverware. I had to hold in a laugh.

I started moving again. I was almost to Max.

" A distraction" he answered.

" Distraction? Distraction for what?" he asked.

I jumped on his back. He dropped everything he was holding and jumped up. He nearly fell over.

" What the heck if wrong with you. You can't just do that to people. I almost fell back on you" he said. He was mad. I could hear the other girls laughing.

" Awww come on. Don't be a Mad Max" I said.

" I will kill you" he said grabbing my legs to hold me.

" Oh but then you would lose the lovely Cheese and be charged for murder" I said.

He laughed.

" Yeah Max you wouldn't leave me would ya" Krista asked. The girls were coming over to us.

" I don't know. Murder is sound pretty good right now" he said turning around to face them.

" Oh come on Maxy" she said.

" Don't" he started.

By now Ross had come up and was watching. Tim had walked over to Em and Ross was next to Leah. They were laughing and watching us all.

" Come on you know you love me" she said walking closer.

" I do. But it's this one who I don't know about" he said.

" Aww Max" I said putting my chin on his shoulder " Were would I be without my stead?"

" I am not a horse" he said.

" But you are y/n's stead" she said.

" No I'm not. And this is by far one of the stupidest things we have ever done. You people are nuts" he said.

" Yeah and we are spending the night too" Em said.

" No. Then she will be like this all night" Max said.

" Oh you don't want us here" Leah said.

" No that's not what I-" he started.

" Sure. Now get new silverware and let's eat" Leah said.

" Okay" I said letting go of Max.

" Finally" he said picking up the ones on the floor.

" Come on guys. To the table" I said.

" And leave Max to do all the work?" Tim asked laughing a little.

" And leave Max to do the rest" I answered.

" Okay." he said.

We all walked to the table and waited for Max to serve us. Max would make a horrible waiter, he took forever.

Now I know this one is not as good as other ones. But it's something and I know I say this a lot but I really think it. This one is not as good as other ones but I don't care. Have a good day/night.

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