Bad ending

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It's a snow day for me. Yay!!!!! And I have nothing against Cheese and Max.

After dinner the girls and I got ready to spend the night. Em did have clothes here so she didn't need to steal anyone's. She was kind of sad about that tho. We were going to set up in living room.

" I'm excited for this. I get to know you guys more" I said setting down a blanket.

" Yeah. But uh where's Krista?" Leah asked.

I looked around " I don't know. I'll go look"

" Okay. Hopefully we'll be done" Leah said looking at Em who was just sitting on the couch.

" What? I'm supervising" she said.

" Muhm" Leah said.

I laughed a walked off to find Krista. I looked all down stairs and knocked on all the bathroom doors. When I was walking back upstairs I walked by a window, and outside that window I saw Max and Krista. So she was outside. I walked over to the door and opened the door.

" What do you mean?" Krista said.

" I mean you shouldn't have done that!" Max said.

They were fighting. I turned around and walked back inside. I walked back into the living room.

" Did you find her?" Em asked.

" Um yeah I did" I said running my hand through my hair.

" Well where is she?" Leah asked.

" I'll uh just wait. She'll explain." I said. ( When I was typing this 'She'll explode' was one of the things in the word bar thing. I'm scared)

" Um okay" Leah said.

A few minutes later Krista walked in. She looked like she had been crying. " So uh what do you want to do first?" She said trying to smile.

I looked at her and I broke my heart. I may not know her too well but her and Max seemed so nice together " Oh sweetheart" I said walking over to her and giving her a hug. ( sorry if that's not how you talk, but that's how I talk to my friends)

" I'm so sorry. I I tried to not cry or to hide that I had." she said hugging back and starting to cry again.

" Oh Krista" Leah and Em said coming over.

" I'm so sorry. I hate being like this. I'm not trying to get attention" she said. I was still hugging her.

" Oh it's okay. We know you aren't" I said rubbing her back.

" I I don't want to stay here. I know you live near by y/n can we go to your house?" she asked.

" Oh of course. Come on" I said letting go and putting my arm around her. I grabbed her shoulder and started to walk.

" Hey Leah will you tell Ross and them where we are going?" I asked.

" Yeah of course" she said walking off to go and find Ross. Em just followed us.

We silently walked to the door, the only sound was Krista's sniffles and the sound of the door opening and closing. We walked to my hous.

" Hey Em will you go back to the house and make sure that she doesn't pass it or go the other way?" I asked as I sat Krista on the couch.

" Yeah okay" she said walking back out.

" So you wanna talk about it?" I asked sitting next to her.

" Uh me and Max were fighting" she answered trying to calm down.

" About what. And please don't try to hold in your tears. Just cry. I won't judge" I said taking her hand.

" Um I tried to do something. A surprise. And I uh guess I deleted some of his old videos. I had no clue. Some he made when he was younger. He also kept bringing up past mistakes" she said.

" And he got that worked up, worked up enough to make you cry?" I asked.

" Apparently" she said. She had stopped trying to hide her tears and tears were now streaming down her face.

" Oh sweetie I'm so sorry" I said hugging her.

" It's okay. Apparently I'm just good at making mistakes" she said.

I hugged her tighter " No no you're not. You are as close to perfect as a human can be"

" You only meet me the other day. How would you know?" she asked letting go to look me in the face.

I smiled " You know I have this odd obsession with Pinterest, and I remember this one quote because it was so important to me because it is so true to my life. And it is ' I'm stronger because I had to be, I'm smarter because of my mistakes, happier because of the sadness I've known, and now wiser because I learned" I said.

She smiled and hugged me " Thank you y/n" she whispered.

" No problem" I whispered back.

Leah and Em walked in. We explained the situation and decided to watch a movie. It wasn't the night I had planned but it was fun.

So I know it was a bad ending. And I know I say that all the time and I'm not saying it for sympathy I really feel it. Anyway have a good day/night.

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