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"Hurry up" I whine into the phone.

Penny laughed "I can't will people to move faster down an escalator"

I smiled "Just push em down"

She laughed and lowered "Y/n I can't just push people down" 

"And why not?" I asked.

"Oh I don't know. Maybe the fact that people could get hurt." she answered.

"And the problem is?'

"Just shut up and get ready. I'm down and heading to the door."

"Is that any way to talk to your ride?" I asked turning on the car and pulling out of the Subway parking lot I was waiting in. 

"It is if my driver just so happens to be my best friend" she retorted.

"I can turn this car round and leave you there" I threatened.

"You know what that sounds like? That sounds like an empty threat" she replied, sounding as if she knew that it was an empty threat. Which it was.

"I've killed for less" I playfully threatened.

"Please I'm the most important person in your life. You wouldn't lay a hand on me" she countered.

"I'm almost the picky upy place" I said as I pulled into the area where you pick up people.

"Picky upy?" she asked laughing.

"Do you know what it is called?" I asked.

"Touché" she admitted after a few seconds of thinking.

"And that's what I thought" I gloated.

"Yeah yeah. Aren't you not supposed to be on the phone and driving?" she asked changing the subject.

"Yes, but I'm a good driver. I haven't hit anyone yet. Plus it's hooked to the car so I don't have to hold it. What do you have to say to that Ms. Rules?" I asked teasingly.

She paused and then said "All I have to say is good job. You have managed to no break the law. I've never been more pround in my life!"

I sighed "I swear I would turn around if I could. Too bad some car is behind me"

"Now now! You wouldn't leave poor, defenseless me out here would you?" she asked.

I laughed "Penny you are far from defenseless. First off, there is airport staff out there. Second, your dad was a cop. He thought you a thing or two"

"Be that as it may"

"Hey! That's my line"


"So that's rude to steal some ones line. And I see this dumb girl on the phone, she has on a NYC hat and looks so lost" I said as I pulled into the curb as close to her as I could get. I watched her look around for a little before her eyes settled on me, her face lighting up with one of her beautiful smiles.

"I gotta go, my ride is here. That little girl doesn't know what she's doing" she said playing along with our game.

"Watch it" I said before hanging up.

I watched her as she looked down at her phone and laughed. I got out of the car and watched her as she walked to the car. 

"Fancy seeing you here" she said once she got to me.

"Move it lady, I'm waiting for some one." I said lightly pushing her and looking over her shoulder.

She and I laughed as she stumbled a little before regaining her balance " Oh I missed you n/n"

"You too" I said opening my arms for a hug. She put her suitcase up right and gave me a hug. 

"So" I said letting go and walking to the back of the car, with Penny following, to open the trunk for her " Want to drop your stuff off at my house then go to work with my, see Ross?" 

"Sounds like a plan" she said dropping her case in the trunk.


{Max's POV}

"He was not" I heard y/n say as she walked into the room.

"He was. I just can't believe he still cares" answered a new voice.

I turned around to see y/n and a new girl walk in.

"That makes two of us" y/n answered sounding annoyed.

The new girl noticed me looking and nudged y/n in the side. She hummed in response and looked at the girl. The new girl pointed at me and y/n followed her stare.

"Oh that's Max. Max this is my best friend Penny" Y/n said walking closer. 

"Nice to meet you" I said getting up and extended my hand.

"Likewise" she said shaking my hand.

Penny was a pretty girl, but not as pretty as y/n. She was about y/ns height and had long, blackhair that almost went to the crease of her elbow. She had the same eye color as y/n. So this is y/ns best friend. I didn't know she had any other friends other than Ross in New York. Well I guess on some level I knew but I never thought to ask. Then again when we first meet I wasn't the nicest to her so I guess it's no surprise that she never told me. But I thought we were on better terms now. What if she still hates me? 

"Y/n I'm so so so sorry. Please don't hate me" I said turning my attention away from my thoughts and to her.

She looked confused at my sudden confession but answered "Um Max unless you've done something that I'm not aware of, you have nothing to apologize for"

"Are you sure? Because I will do anything to make it better, just please don't hate me" I begged. I don't know why it was so important to me. I mean I guess she was there for me when me and Krista broke up. That has to be why she means so much to me.

"Max" she said staring right at me "You have done nothing wrong okay?"

I nodded my head and was about to say something else when she interrupted me. 

"Now where did you get the idea that you'd done something wrong?"

I shrugged my shoulders "I was just thinking and I guess I let my thoughts run a little too wild"

She and Penny laughed "Yeah I guess you did. Hey, I'm going to go show Penny around the office. I'll see you later"

I nodded my head and they walked off. I sat back down in my chair. Why did I overthink the reason she didn't tell me about Penny? I mean it's not something that I would do if I found out Red had a friend I didn't know about. Y/n shouldn't be any different and I don't know why I would make her out to be different. I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts. That didn't work, because for the rest of the day I was thinking about y/n.

Hi! Sorry I was gone for so long. I was in Chelan (a city in Washington) and couldn't write. But I have a story about what happened when I was writing, because I know you are all dying to hear that. Anyway, a spider decided it was a smart idea to climb his way into my room. I freaked out because he was a pretty big spider. I can do small spiders easy, but big spiders are evil things. So I decided to take a piece of cardboard and I trapped him under. I ran as fast as I could to paper towers hoping he would be dead. I was wrong and as soon as I lifted the cardboard up, he crawled out. I wacked him again and went to grab my shoe, and while that was happening, he had gotten out and climbed on top of the cardboard. I'm glad he did this so I could wack him without getting spider guts on my carpet. So that's exactly what I did. And the evil creature was vanquished. Well that was a boring story! Have a good/night!!!!

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