Chapter Twenty One: Leave Tonight

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"Riley you have to leave tonight" I said softly. She gave me that "Are you kidding me?" Stare. " I know but I have to keep you guys safe." I said. " How long are you gonna be gone?" She asked. " It depends" I mumbled. " How are we even gonna talk?" She asked. " We are not gonna be able to because they will track the phone." He said. " Whatever" she spat.
• 30 mins later•
" I love you" I said to Riley one last time. " I-love-you" she said in between sobs. " Forever and Always" I said. She nodded and walk to Jason. " be good to Riley" I told the twins. Chris was already asleep. I kissed there forehead and shut there door. I look at Riley as she walks around to get in the drivers side. " I put my credit card in the glove department and Jason's is in the bag." I told her.
•1 hour•
Once I check us in; I carried the twins upstairs. They both were sleep ^thank goodness^ I thought In my head. I put Ci pjs on then I put Chris pjs on. I lock the doors and shut the blinds and laid in bed with Ci and Chris.
I get up and run the bath water for Chris and Ciara. After, I lay there clothes out. " Chris wake up!" I yelled not loud to scared him. He lifts up and wipes his eyes. " lets get you in the tub bubby" I said. He nodded and got down. While Chris was in the tub I put my black shorts on with my teal shirt that said love on it in black. Chris walks out with his grey polo shirt on with his black shorts. I woke up Ciara up so she can get in the shower. I put my black sandals on and Chris puts his black supras on. Ciara comes out with her blue sundress on. I plug up my straightener on. Chris started watching Cartoons Network. I apply my makeup on. Then I straighten my hair and Ciara hair. " Are you guys ready?" I asked them. Chris nodded. " Yes" Ci said. I grabbed my hotel key. Ciara and Chris go to the car. I check out the hotel. I got in the car. We went to I Hop. I park the car grabbed Jason card. We set at a table.
• A Little While Later•
"I was told to give you this" waiter said. I grabbed the phone.
" Riley?"
" Yes"
" it's Jason."
" listen keep driving for 5 more hours."
" Okay. "
" listen there's a log cabinet. You will see its big enough for you and the twins"
"Jason I don't know if I can do this?"
" Riley you gonna have to. You got this."
" okay."
" I love you Riley"
" me to."
I gave the phone back to the waiter. " Okay guys we drive for 5 more hours" I told them
They nodded. We got in the car and started driving south.
• 5 hours later......•
We reached our destination.
The log cabinet was so beautiful.

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