Chapter TwentyFour: Just a "Friend"

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" Explain to me what happen?" I asked. " Nothing at all babe?" The cop said. " What? Who are you?" I asked. He removed his sun glasses. " Justin?" I asked trying not to cry. " Riles?" He said. Some reason I just get mad and frustrated." WHAT THE HELL?" I yelled and start hitting him. " RILEY STOP LET ME EXPLAIN!?"
Justin p.o.v
I pulled the car over. " YOU HAVE 10 SECONDS TO EXPLAIN OR ELSE?" She spat. " Okay I had to fake my death so Sarah can leave you guys alone." I said softly. "Justin... I- I thought I lost you. JUSTIN DO YOU REALIZE HOW HARD IT IS WITHOUT YOU" she whispered yelled. I wiped a tear off of her cheek. " I love you Riley it was the only thing I could do." I whispered on her lips. I kissed her. She didnt kiss back but I mean why would she I left her for 9 years. " Justin I can't do this!" She said. " What do you mean?" I asked. " I have to be dreaming or something." She said. " No Riley I am back for good. I am not going anywhere." I said. I started the car and began driving. " Where's Chris?" She whispered. " He is at Jason house." I said. " How he was in hand cuffs." she asked. " You only seen the back side of him not his face it wasn't Chris babe it was an actor." I said. She hit me. " Riley I am really really sorry." I said while placing my hand on her thigh. " Justin you should be lucking?" She said. " Why is that?" I asked. " Because I could have moved on but I didnt." She said. " Riley I knew I had faith in you." He said. Once we got out. I wrapped my arms around Riley and hugged her tight. " I love you" I said again. " I love you to Justin" she said. I kissed her and she kissed me back. " I miss those lips." I said.

Jason p.o.v
" Damn!" I spat.
" What bro?" Alex ask.
" The police is here" I spat.
" sound the alarm and get Chris put of here." I spat. I peek through the curtain and I can not believe what I see. " Uh Alex?" I said. "What?" He said. " Do you believe in ghost!?." I ask
" Jason is that you?" He asked with a puzzle face.
"  Bro I swear I see Justin right there with Riley." I said.
Alex rushes to the window.
" FALSE ALARM." Alex yelled.
I open the door and run attack Justin.
" JASON STOP!" Riley yelled. Alex jerks me up. " ITS REALLY JUSTIN" Riley spat. " What!? Justin where have you been? I been losing sleep. I been searching for years and you now show UP!"I yelled and punch Justin in the face. 
" Let me explain!" he yelled. " Okay go?!!!!" I said. " Sarah made a deal and I went behind your back to give her what she wants! She tricked me and kidnapped me. I stayed with her for 3 years in her basement. she gain my trust and then I escaped. I made it seem like I crashed. The I disappear for 7 years. So my family could be saved." he explained. 
Chris p.o.v
" you promise that you would stop the drugs" Tia said while sitting on my torso. " Yeah I know but I have to make money some how?!" I said to her. " listen babe how about you get a real job like me and actual go to school." She said while retracing my tats. " idk Tia I actually enjoy my job." I said. " yeah I actually enjoy being with you but..." She said. " But what!?" I said trying not to get angry with her. " Nothing Chris I am gonna go." She said and got up. " Babe stop!" I said. " I will see you at school tomorrow." She said. " Dont go!" I said. " Chris I have to" she said and kissed my lips. " Whatever text me." I said. I walk Tia out the house." Take the car." I told her. " No Chris I wanna walk" she whined. " no take the car or I will take you home." I said. " Fine!" She said and took the keys.
I walked back to my room and Turn on some TV. I started to clean my room. Okay so its not really my room but it is. I always stay with my uncle. I pick up my dirty clothes and put it in my basket. I went in my bathroom and I saw Tia make up and tooth brush. She is something else. I peed. " JASON STOP!" RILEY yelled.
I run down stairs and outside. I look and I saw Riley standing with some guy and Jason and alex.
Justin P.O.V
" Chris!" I said. he awkwardly nodded. My heart instantly shadier. " Give him some time" Riley whispered in my ear.  " Chris come here!" Jason yelled. Chris walks over here. " Dad!" He said and hugged me tight. I hugged him back. " Dad I miss you so much!" He voices cracked. " I am here to stay!" I said. "Dad I can't believe this is you! I thought you died." he cried. " Chris I didn't I am here. Look have big you gotten" I said. he laugh "look how old you got. " he joked with me. He hugged me one last time.
* buzzed* Chris P.o.v
I let go and looked at my phone. "
❤ babygirl❤
I made it home. I love you. Please come to school tomorrow.
I replied.
I will see. I love you to. Glad you made it home.
" Where Ciara?" Dad asked. " She is at Grandma " I said.
" Well let's go!" Dad said.
" I kinda gave Tia my car!" I said.
" Who?" Dad asked.
" Oh dad you have a lot of catching up to do" I said.
" Ride with me and I will" he said.
" Shot gun!" I yelled.
" You thought!" Mom yelled.
" Good try son!" dad yelled.
I get in the back.
Ciara P.o.v
Grandma went to bed. So I make me some soup. Then laid on the couch.
Hey wanna hang out?
Sure come over.
Grandmas or moms?
Matty 😉
Already here.
I put my phone down and walked outside. " Matty!" I Squealed. He got out the car. " Hey boo!" He said. " I missed you." I said. " I miss you to." he said and kissed my for head. Matty is only a " Friend" I mean we do things like if we were in a relationship but I dont want to be in one. I know he does. That why he stays with me. When I say we do things like in a relationship I actual mean That: we argue, do things we shouldnt, go on dates and show each other off. 
I was walking in the house and I see a cop car pull up and it was Riley and a very familiar face.  The uncle Jase car pulled up. Chris gets out the car. " Ciara come on. " he yelled. " Hang on!" I spat. I walked out. " what's going on?" I asked chris. " Okay Ciara I am gonna need you to focus!" I he said to her. " Chris what did you do. Tia told me about to drugs." I spat. " We will talk about that later but dad is in the car!" I said. " Chris no we need to Talk... Wait what!?" I asked. " Dad he is alive he is in the car." he said. I took off running to him. " Daddy!" I yelled. " CIARA!!!" dad yelled to me.  I just hugged him. I didnt even talk.
Justin is back. And so am I. Love you guys.
Love Sarah
Ciara is at the top

Crazy but true...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon