Chapter Twenty Five: Drugs

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" Get up Chris!" I hissed. He just throw a pillow at me. " That's it!" I said and walked downstairs and grab a cup of ice water. I poured it on him. " WHAT THE FREAK?" He yelled. " You have school in an hour wake up!" I spat. " I am not going!" He yelled. " Tia wants you there so your going or I will tell mom and dad!" I said. " Fine! I am up." He said.
Chris p.o.v
I jump in the shower. Once I get out I check my phone.
❤ baby girl❤
please bring me my make up
❤baby girl❤
Yes! Why not?
Because you don't need it BC your mine.
❤ baby girl❤
I am coming to get it.
I ignore the text and got dress.
I brush my teeth. I walked out my bathroom and saw Tia on the bed.
" Dang baby you look delicious" I said. " Thanks babe" she said and walk passed me to her make up. " Oh no no you can not where that to school" I spat. " Babe please. I am feeling myself." She said. " No guys are gonna be looking your way and I can not have that." I spat. " I dress like this because you decided to go to school thats why. I want us to be the hottest couple there." She said. " babe we already are. Change into some sweats and I have one of your shirts here." I demanded her. " NO ITS MY BODY AND I WANNA WHERE THIS SO I AM" she yelled. " Fine I am not going to school." I spat and took off my shirt.
Riley's P.O.V
" Do they always argue?" Justin asked me " Yeah but there so cute" I said. " I miss you Riley so much!" Justin said. " I know babe I am glad your here." I said.
" ARE YOU HAPPY NOW CHRIS!" Tia yelled walked down stairs. " MUCH BETTER!" he yelled chasing her. " Guys calm down what's wrong? This time. Ciara asked. " YOUR STUPID BROTHER DOESNT APPROVE OF MY OUTFIT NOW I HAVE TO WEAR HIS SWEATS AND MY SHIRT!" She spat. " Chris you can't do this to her" Ciara said. " Dont even get me started" he yelled at Ciara. " Do you really wanna test me" she Said then glances at us. " Your right babe you can change." Chris said. " Alright kids your guys are gonna be late" I said. After Tia got dress they got in Ciara jeep.
Ciara P.o.v
" What you did back there was wrong?" Chris spat at me.
" What you do isn't better!" Ciara smirked.
" You can't keep holding this against me" he said.
" Um.. Yeah I can and there's nothing you can do about it" I said.
" why are you blackmailing me anyways" he spat. I can tell by Each second he gets angrier. " Because you know its wrong and you choose to do it. There consequences to your actions" I stated. " As long as I dont get caught it won't matter." he said. " Chris do you realize how stupid you are? You will eventually get caught." I said. " Uncle Jason never did" he said and laugh. " All I am saying is that when you get caught. Instead of loosing dad for 9 years your would be the one who I loose for 20 years and I dont think I can deal with that" I said and turn the key. " Dont worry about me. I got this all under control." He said with a smile. " I bet you do" I mumbled.
We get out the car and head in the school.
Chris P.O.V
" Welcome to School Mr. Bieber." My teacher said. As I make my was to my seat girls kept staring. " Today we are gonna talk about Pythagorean theorem" he said.
Better be keeping your eyes on me.
Ofc babe only have eyes for you.
Meet me after class.
I chuckle and put my phone down. There's a piece a paper on the desk.
Will you go out with me? Rinnnnnnnggggggg
I left the note on the desk and met Tia.
" Hey baby" she said.
I kissed her.
" Listen so this whole school thing isn't working out can I go home now" I asked her
" No babe." She whined.
" What's your next class?" I asked her and kissed her cheek.
" Gym what about you?" she said.
" Not for sure but I am gonna go to gym anyways." I said.
" Look you can't get mad about my gym outfit." She said.
" Oh god." I spat.
" Baby just trust me and dont get mad." she said and nibbled on my ear.
" Fine" I said and grabbed her hand and we started walking down the hall. I spot Ciara talking to this guy. " hang on babe" I said to Tia.
" Hi my name is Chris! Ya know here brother" I Said and she eyeballed me" My name it Matty and I Ciara Bo--" " He is my friend thats all you need to know!" She spat and slammed her locker.
" Come on babe let's go to gym!" I said to Tia.
" okay babe" she said. we made it to gym. Plz tell me why my girlfriend is in booty shorts.
" YOUR GONNA CHANGE NOW!" I whisper spat.
" No!" she said when to play volleyball.
I went to the bathroom
" Hey dad can u come and get me?"
" why?"
" My stomache hurts"
" No Chris stay in school. Riley and I having alone time"
" what ever.
I hung up the phone
" Hey uncle come pick me up?"
" Okay I am on my way"
" alright
" Thanks uncle"
" Welcome"
" Can I come to your place?"
" Always your always welcome."
" Jason I need to tell you something"
" You mean uncle Jason but go ahead"
" I sell drugs and Ciara keeps using that against me"
" listen Chris I really dont agree on what you do! Once your in that lifestyle its hard to get out. Your dad just came home he doesn't need that right now. I recommend you end the drug thing. Yeah I know I am a criminal but your my nephew And I dont want you in this. And just because I dont get caught dont mean you will."
" I dont know what to do with my life."
" Well what do you wanna be?"
" I feel like I am failing Tia and I really dont want to loose her. I wanna be a... "
" you still have time to think about it. dont stress drop out of drugs tho.
" thanks uncle Jason."
" I am so mad at Chris" Tia said. " I would be to" I said. " this drew the line. I can't deal with this" Tia said and broke down. " Listen Tia dont worry about it he will be at school tomorrow. I will make sure of that" I said. " Do you think he actual loves me" she said. " Yeah I know he does." I said. " then why does he do dumb things" I said. " to be honest I dont even know that answer" I said. " But he should be home." OK said and got out the car.
Riley P.O.V
" He didnt come home with you guys?" I asked. " No he left" she said. " With who?" I asked. " I thought it was dad" I said. " No your dad told him no!" I said.
" Jason is Chris with you?"
" Yeah he is upstairs"
" Bring him home please"
" Alright be there in 10"
" Guys he is at Jason!" I said to Justin. " I told him he couldn't leave" Justin said while drinking coffee. " CHRIS YOUR GROUNDED!" Justin yelled. " WAIT WHAT!? LET ME EXPLIAN I DONT SELL DRUGS ANYMORE" Chris spat.
"I never said you did." Justin said.
Chris is at the Top. The picture.

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